Human Resources Specialization

PGE dual degree specializations: for one full year, develop your knowledge in the field of expertise of your choice and earn an additional master's degree.

La spécialisation en détails

In a Nutshell

  • Entry requirement

    Upon selection

  • Degree awarded

    Master's degree

  • Language


  • Format


  • Duration

    1 year


Human resources management is a key factor in the performance of organizations. The HR function has become more complex, requiring not only a strategic vision but also legal and technical skills. The Human Resources specialization offers co-op, enabling you to effectively learn about new HR trends and management within a company.

Objectives of the Specialization

  • Formulate and implement a human resources policy by determining the strategic and operational orientations of all the core business areas (recruitment, compensation, evaluation, training, skills, careers, reorganization).
  • Suggest problem-solving options regarding resources to management and internal clients.
  • Present and discuss administrative and legal issues inherent to the human resources function.
  • Participate in managing change in companies (or organizations) in an international context.

Strengths of the Specialization 

Awareness of new HR trends

GPEC mobility management

International HR management


Hard Skills

Labor law

Organizational psychology and management

Implementation of staff assessment tools

Negotiation management

Soft Skills

Listening skills

Public speaking skills

Analytical thinking

Conflict management

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EM Strasbourg Business School, 61 avenue de la forêt-noire
EM Strasbourg Business School, 61 avenue de la forêt-noire



Chargée de la promotion et du recrutement à l'international


Nathalie REDJEM

Chargée de la promotion et du recrutement national


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Entry requirement : Upon selection Degree awarded : Master's degree
Entry requirement : Upon selection Degree awarded : Master's degree