Bachelor of International Business

Choosing the Bachelor of International Business at EM Strasbourg means committing to a program of excellence and playing an active role in your education.



Joining our Bachelor of International Business means exploring the job of your dreams, mapping out your career plan, and daring to make your business plans a reality in a supportive environment. This three-year program opens all doors. Upon graduation, enter the world of work or pursue a master’s degree: the choice is yours! 
Explore a world of possibilities with the Bachelor of International Business!



Associate Dean for the Bachelor’s Program



Objectives of the Program

  • Acquire the keys to thriving in an international context 
  • Master the tools needed to understand the inner workings of a company 
  • Gain professional experience and skills through internships and projects 
  • Develop your business and management skills 
  • Narrow down and develop your personal and professional goals through personalized support 



Key Features


Our Quality Labels

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Skills Developed

Hard Skills

Managerial skills

Project management

Accounting and business management

Marketing and sales

Mastery of a second language

Soft Skills

Group cohesion

Deductive reasoning




Key Figures

  • 5%–10%

    of graduates start their own business.

  • 100%

    of courses are in English in third year.

  • 9

    months of internship minimum over the course of the program.


Aline Farah

International Promotion and Recruitment Manager Make an appointment

Jessica Broggini

National Student Recruitment and Promotion Coordinator Make an appointment

Their Experience

"Joining EM Strasbourg has allowed me to develop many skills thanks to the different projects that the School offers. I was able to manage a team of 30 people, which was a unique and very educational experience, particularly for my age. The many partnerships at EM Strasbourg also allow us to become ...

Claire Wahl

"I joined EM Strasbourg after graduating from high school by entering the Bachelor of International Business. I am now a graduate of the Master of E-Marketing and Digital Strategy, which was a dual degree. With a wealth of experience abroad, a gap year, work experience, and various group experiences...

Arthur Kornicki

"I chose the Bachelor of International Business because it allows you to gain professional (nine months of internship) and international (three to nine months abroad) experience. I particularly enjoyed my first year in Southampton in the UK, the values-based project, and the second-year internship. ...

Mathilde May

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