LAHRICHI Y., CHEHBI GAMOURA S., DAMAND D., BARTH M. (2025). Bi-objective minimization of energy consumption and cycle time for the Robotic Assembly Line Balancing Problem: pseudo-polynomial case and reduced search space metaheuristic. International Transactions in Operational Research, 1 (n° 14753995) [ABS cat.1, AJG cat.1, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.4, HCERES cat.B] Impact Factor. 4.56
DAMAND D., LAHRICHI Y., BARTH M. (2024). A first optimization approach to parameterize demand-driven MRP in the presence of multiple products and finite capacity. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 1 (n° 19366582) [ABS cat.1, AJG cat.1, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.4, HCERES cat.B] Impact Factor. 2.37
KUCHARAVY D., DAMAND D., BARTH M. (2023). Technological forecasting using mixed methods approach. International Journal of Production Research, 61 (n° 16) [ABS cat.3, AJG cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 9.02
DAMAND D., LAHRICHI Y., BARTH M. (2023). Parameterization of Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning: A multi-objective genetic algorithm. International Journal of Production Research, 61 (n° 15) [ABS cat.3, AJG cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
DAMAND D., LAHRICHI Y., BARTH M. (2022). A simulation-optimization approach to parameterize Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning. IFAC, 55 (n° 10)
LAHRICHI Y., DAMAND D., BARTH M. (2022). A first MILP model for the parameterization of Demand-Driven MRP. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 174 (n° 1) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B] Impact Factor. 7.18
DAMAND D., BARTH M. (2021). Diagnostic 4.0 du système physique de production : modèle de référence d'audit des gammes de production. Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle ?, 35 (n° 1) [CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.EM, HCERES cat.C]
CHEHBI GAMOURA S., DERROUICHE R., DAMAND D., BARTH M. (2020). Insights from Big Data Analytics in Supply Chain Management: An All-Inclusive Literature Review Using the SCOR Model. Production Planning and Control, 31 (n° 5) [ABS cat.3, AJG cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 6.84
KUCHARAVY D., DAMAND D., CHEHBI GAMOURA S., BARTH M., MORNAY S. (2020). Entrepôt du futur : le concept de cartographie de contradictions. Logistique & Management, 28 (n° 1) [FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.C]
DAMAND D., DERROUICHE R., BARTH M., CHEHBI GAMOURA S. (2019). Supply Chain Planning: potential generalization of parameterization rules based on a literature review. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 20 (n° 3) [ABS cat.1, AJG cat.1, CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B] Impact Factor. 1
CHEHBI GAMOURA S., DERROUICHE R., DAMAND D., KUCHARAVY D., BARTH M. (2019). Cross-management of risks in big data-driven industries by the use of fuzzy cognitive maps. Logistique & Management, 28 (n° 2) [FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.C]
DAMAND D., DAMAND D., BARTH M. (2016). Graphe de problèmes-solutions de référence pour la conception des activités d'entreposage. Logistique & Management, 25, 121-133 [FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.C]
DAMAND D., DERROUICHE R., BARTH M. (2013). Parameterization of the MRP method: automatic identification and extraction of properties. International Journal of Production Research, 51 (n° 18), pp. 5658-5669 [ABS cat.3, AJG cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
DAMAND D., BARTH M. (2011). Paramétrage de la méthode MRP en environnement incertain : une revue de la littérature. Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle ?, 30 (n° 1) [CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.EM, HCERES cat.C]
BARTH M. (2011). Paramétrage de la méthode MRP en environnement incertain: une revue de la littérature
BARTH M. (2008). Effective activity-based costing for manufacturing enterprises using a shop floor reference model. International Journal of Production Research, 46 (n° 3), pages 621 - 646 [ABS cat.3, AJG cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
BARTH M., LIVET A., DE GUIO R. (2005). Effective activity-based costing for manufacturing enterprises using a shop floor reference model. International Journal of Production Research, 46 (n° 3) [ABS cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
LIVET A., BARTH M., DE GUIO R. (2004). Evaluer un système de production à l'aide d'un modèle de référence basé sur l'Activity Based Costing. Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle ?, 23 (n° 1) [CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.EM, HCERES cat.C]
BARTH M. (2004). [AN 3] Evaluer un système de production à l'aide d'un modèle de référence basé sur l'Activity Based Costing
BARTH M. (2003). How can we ascertain, understand and interpret the performance level of a production system ? A visual method : the Plan of Preferences. Production Planning and Control, 14 (n° 3) [ABS cat.3, AJG cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
BARTH M. (1997). About performance evaluation in production flow analysis. International Journal of Production Research, 35 (n° 1) [ABS cat.3, AJG cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
KUCHARAVY D., DAMAND D., BARTH M., DERROUICHE R. (2018). Collaborative Design of Warehousing 4.0 Using the Concept of Contradictions. Collaborative Networks of Cognitive Systems: 19th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2018, Springer, Cham., Camarinha-Matos L., Afsarmanesh H., Rezgui Y., 396-405
BARTH M. (2018). Collaborative Design of Warehousing 4.0 Using the Concept of Contradictions, in : Camarinha-Matos, Luis M., Afsarmanesh, Hamideh, Rezgui, Yacine (Eds., in :Collaborative Networks of Cognitive Systems, SPRINGER, 2018, (with KucharavyD., Damand D., Barth M.. Collaborative Networks of Cognitive Systems, Springer
BARTH M., DAMAND D., LEPORI E. (2017). Problem Graph for warehousing. The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, Current Research and Trends in France, ISBN 978-3-319-56592-7, SPRINGER
BARTH M. (2014). Najari A., M. Barth et M. Sonntag, 2014. Contribution de la notion de Contradiction à la Stratégie Conceptuelle pour la phase amont de la Conception Architecturale. Dans S. Kubicki et al. (ed.) Interaction(s) des maquettes numériques: PUN - Editions Unive. Interaction(s) des maquettes numériques, Nancy, PUN - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine
DAMAND D., BARTH M. (2011). Visual Structure for preliminary design of physical production system. Research in Interactive Design, Vol.3, Chapter 2, Intergrated Product Engineering, Springer, 31
CHEHBI GAMOURA S., LAHRICHI Y., DAMAND D., NADJI F., METWALL A., BARTH M. Harnessing AI in the Deep Digital Transformation of Supply Chain Processes: A Case Study from a French Electrical Industry, 15th Conference of the AIRL-SCM, the International Association for Research in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, in Resilience and Sustainability : New Challenges for Supply Chains, (Association internationale de recherche logistique et Supply Chain Management Mai 2024)
LAHRICHI Y., DAMAND D., BARTH M., MORNAY S. A first attempt to enhance Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning through reinforcement learning, 22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, ( Juillet 2023)
LAHRICHI Y., DAMAND D., BARTH M. A simulation-optimization approach to parameterize Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning,, 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control,, (IFAC Juin 2022)
LAHRICHI Y., DAMAND D., BARTH M. Paramétrage de la méthode Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning": Une approche par optimisation bi-objectif, 14ième Rencontre de l'AIRL-SCM, Clermont-Ferrand, (AIRL-SCM Association Internationale de Recherche en Logistique et Supply Chain Management Mai 2022)
CHEHBI GAMOURA S., DAMAND D., BARTH M., KORUCA H. Conversational Bots with Reinforcement Learning for Multi-criteria Suppliers Selection Focused on post-COVID-19 Risk: Case of French Automobile Manufacturer, CIGI-Qualita21 - Conférence Internationale Génie Industriel QUALITA, (Mai 2021)
DAMAND D., CHEHBI GAMOURA S., BARTH M. Maturité du système physique de production : modèle de diagnostic 4.0, Conférence Internationale de Génie Industriel, (Mai 2021)
KUCHARAVY D., DAMAND D., CHEHBI GAMOURA S., BARTH M. Supporting Strategic Decision-Making in Manufacturing 4.0 with mix of qualitative and quantitative data analysis, 13ème Conférence Internationale de Modélisation, Optimisation et Simulation (MOSIM'20), ( Novembre 2020)
KUCHARAVY D., DAMAND D., BARTH M., DERROUICHE R., CHEHBI GAMOURA S. Using map of contradiction for decision support within warehouse design process, 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2019, (International Federation of Automatic Control Aôut 2019)
KUCHARAVY D., DAMAND D., BARTH M., DERROUICHE R. Entrepôt du futur : formalisation des caractéristiques clefs, 12e Conférence Internationale de Modélisation, Optimisation et SIMulation - MOSIM'18, (Juin 2018)
KUCHARAVY D., DAMAND D., BARTH M., DERROUICHE R., MORNAY S. Entrepôt du Futur : Cartographie de Contradictitons, RIRL2018, ( Mai 2018)
BESSOUAT J., DAMAND D., BARTH M., DERROUICHE R. Extraction des activités détaillées d'un entrepôt à partir d'un modèle de référence, 12èmes RIRL, ( Mai 2018)
BARTH M. Entrepôt Du Futur : Cartographie de Contradictitons. In RIRL2018, 14. Kucharavy, D., Damand D., Barth M., Derrouiche R., and Mornay S., 2018.Paris, France:, (RIRL 2018 2018)
BARTH M. Entrepôt Du Futur : Formalisation Des Caractéristiques Clefs. In MOSIM'18. Toulouse, France.Kucharavy, D., Damand D., Barth M., Derrouiche R., 2018., (MOSIM 2018 2018)
BESSOUAT J., DAMAND D., BARTH M., MORNAY S. Extraction of detailed warehouse activities from a reference model, 24th International EurOMA Conference, ( Juillet 2017)
BESSOUAT J., DAMAND D., BARTH M., MORNAY S. Collaborer au sein d'une équipe projet: La chaire d'enseignement et de recherche - Le cas de la chaire FM Logistics, États généraux du management, ( Mai 2016)
BARTH M. Damand, David, Oussama Ben Ammar, Elvia Lepori, and Marc Barth, 'Analysis Method of the Relations between MRP Parameter and Performance Indicator Based on a Literature Review', ed. by Bakhtadze Natalia (presented at the 7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturin, (7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control 2013)
BARTH M. Lepori, Elvia, David Damand, and Marc Barth, 'Benefits and Limitations of the SCOR Model in Warehousing', ed. by Bakhtadze Natalia (presented at the 7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, MIM 2013, Saint Petersburg, 2013), (7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control 2013)
BARTH M. Lepori, Elvia, Nathalie Herr, David Damand, and Marc Barth, 'Study of the Transferability of Properties Used for Designing Production Systems Layouts to Distribution Warehouse Layout Design', ed. by Bakhtadze Natalia (presented at the 7th IFAC Conference, (7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control 2013)
LEPORI E., DAMAND D., BARTH M. Benefits and Limitations of the SCOR Model in Warehousing, (7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, MIM 2013 2013)
LEPORI E., FOURIÉ-HERRSCHER N., DAMAND D., BARTH M. Study of the Transferability of Properties Used for Designing Production Systems Layouts to Distribution Warehouse Layout Design, (7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, MIM 2013 2013)
DAMAND D., BARTH M. Etude de la transférabilité, pour l'aménagement d'entrepôts logistiques, de propriétés utilisées pour l'aménagement des systèmes de production, (GOL 2012 : 1st International Conference IEEE on Logistics Operations Management Octobre 2012)
DAMAND D., LEPORI E., BARTH M. Apports et limites du modèle SCOR en logistique d'entrepôt, (GOL 2012 : 1st International Conference IEEE on Logistics Operations Management Octobre 2012)
DAMAND D., BARTH M. Evaluation de la performance en planification de la production : de la compréhension à l'action, (GOL 2012 : 1st International Conference IEEE on Logistics Operations Management Octobre 2012)
BARTH M. Apports et limites du modèle SCOR en logistique d'entrepôt, Elvia Lepori, DAMAND David, BARTH Marc, The 1st IEEE International Conference on Logistics Operations Management - 2012 - Le Havre, France, 17-19 october, (The 1st IEEE International Conference on Logistics Operations Management 2012)
BARTH M. Etude de la transférabilité, pour l'aménagement d'entrepôts logistiques, de propriétés utilisées pour l'aménagement des systèmes de production, HERR Nathalie, Elvia Lepori, DAMAND David, BARTH Marc, The 1st IEEE International Conference on Logistics Opera, (The 1st IEEE International Conference on Logistics Operations Management - 2012 - Le Havre, France, 17-19 october 2012)
DAMAND D., BARTH M. Aide au paramétrage en planification de la production, (7ième conférence internationale en Conception Production Intégrée Octobre 2011)
DAMAND D., BARTH M. Visual structure for preliminary design of physical production system, (The 8th International Conference IDMME - Virtual Concept 2010 Octobre 2010)
BARTH M., DAMAND D., LAHRICHI Y. (forthcoming). Méthode DESISHOP : Audit, diagnostic pour l'implantation d'ateliers de production lean. Barth-Damand Edition
DAMAND D., BARTH M. (2024). Comment rédiger un mémo, un rapport de stage, un projet de fin d'études, un mémoire avec le plan PREVA. Barth-Damand édition
BARTH M., DAMAND D. (2022). ERP & SupplyChain Management Des origines à DDMRP: Maitrise opérationnelle des méthodes de planification et de pilotage avec un ERP. Barth Damand édition