Interview with R. Huaman Ramirez on the INSPIRE methodological tool

Interview de Martial Bellon

Associate professor at EM Strasbourg and member of the HuManiS research center, Richard Huaman Ramirez answered our questions about the INSPIRE methodological tool. 


  • How do you see INSPIRE helping to develop a research culture among students and enabling researchers to involve students more effectively in high-impact research projects? 

INSPIRE is an ecosystem of learning, research, innovation, and enterprise that enables students to acquire and develop skills:

  • Mastery of management research methods for pinpointing customer and market needs and expectations in general
  • Understanding the decision-making process of consumers and professionals in all the contexts that make up the field of management science (in an experimental room or through nonparticipant observation)

INSPIRE also facilitates the acquisition of knowledge and practical skills and the development of an inquisitive and innovative mindset. Indeed, it supports the development of positive student attitudes toward the use and production of knowledge, while transmitting the values of scientific rigor and curiosity. The tool also makes innovative teaching resources available to EM Strasbourg's faculty.

  • Let's discuss the course Marketing de l'attention et eye-tracking that has been developed and the plan to use eye-tracking in all fourth-year PGE marketing case studies. What's in it for students in terms of research culture?

The eye-tracking course enriches the student experience through the discovery of a tool that is at the cutting edge of innovation, offering a window into how our mind works when confronted with various stimuli. Specifically, students can gain a comprehensive understanding of eye-tracking technology and its use in visual analysis. This is a cutting-edge course that perfectly illustrates the School's commitment to innovation and academic excellence.

  • Aside from eye-tracking, are there other INSPIRE tool features that can be used in research that extends beyond marketing? 

INSPIRE is made up of four educational and research areas:

  • A space dedicated to qualitative methods, allowing individual interviews and focus groups to be held and filmed. Qualitative case studies require a calm environment and recording capabilities for data collection and analysis. 
  • A studio for recording and editing videos or preparing visual aids. This space could be used to create materials for quantitative case studies using an experimental approach.
  • A (nonparticipant) observation area with a one-way mirror. Case studies that use an ethnological approach to understand human behavior related to management can be carried out here. 
  • An area dedicated to experimental techniques for data collection in a controlled environment. Case studies that involve an experimental approach and require all external variables to be taken into account and monitored can take place here.


Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions!

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