Live performance is a highly experiential product that inspires stimulating research on experience. Yacine Ouazzani, a PhD student from the University of Lorraine (Cerefige laboratory) and the University of Burgundy (CREGO laboratory), won first prize in the 2018 call for projects of the Customer Experience Chair at EM Strasbourg on the theme of “uses of experience on platforms”. On March 28, 2019, he presented the progress of his work. His research proposes a comparison of perceived value and an identification of consumption paths in three universes: in classrooms, in streaming, and at the cinema.
Research in the field of online experience is recent and to date does not allow us to come to any firm conclusions on its content. Opinions also differ on the comparison of experience in the real and virtual spheres.
A better understanding of the consumption routes between these two spheres has also become essential for the structures in order to apprehend their possible complementarity or substitution. The presentation allowed for an interesting exchange with partners and guests.
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