Christine Servey, a lecturer at EM Strasbourg, published an article at the beginning of the year in issue no. 593 of Revue Française de Comptabilité.
This article deals with the admissibility of prospective items used in the preparation of financial statements with respect to the corporate income tax base.
Abstract :
Prospective items in financial statements: Are they admissible for the corporate income tax base? When preparing their annual financial statements, companies subject to corporate income tax are sometimes obliged to use forward-looking data. However, once these estimates have been fixed in the accounts, they are scrutinized by tax auditors. The latter have a definite advantage in that they carry out their checks retrospectively and thus have real data at their disposal. This asymmetry of information has recently been reinforced by several legal provisions. Does this mean that the admissibility for corporation tax purposes of accounting assessments based on forward-looking elements is inexorably losing ground? This is not necessarily the approach adopted by the administrative judge. The result is opportunities for companies.