C. Roederer coordinates the publication of a book on experience


Claire Roederer, head of the corporate chair “Customer Experience” and full professor at EMSBS, and Marc Filser, full professor at IAE Dijon, coordinated a book on the theme of experience published by Editions EMS.

Damien Chaney, Fuat Firat, Tatiana Henriquez, Richard Huaman-Ramirez, Yacine Ouazzani, Marion Roig, Françoise Simon, and Tony Valentini contributed to the book entitled L'Expérience, objet académique et réalités managériales, which explores the academic study and managerial realities of experience.


For the past forty years, the field of experience has been the subject of dynamic research, a great deal of activity, and numerous managerial applications. Hybrid contexts combining physical and digital experiential contexts partly explain this observation, as they make it essential to better understand what consumers experience along their customer journeys and what companies and brands should or can control. Experience is both a key to understanding the lives of individuals (consumers, employees, or citizens) and part of what companies, brands, and organizations intend to deliver. It is also a homogeneous language for a reality that, on the contrary, presents great heterogeneity.

Connected objects that transform uses, experiences on platforms that transform customer journeys, the renewal of experience design in physical contexts, the employee experience as a key success factor for delivering successful customer experiences, the question of experience indicators and measurement—the perspectives on the academic topic that is experience are more stimulating than ever.

The book finds its origin in a series of three conferences organized in 2019/2020 by the corporate chair “Customer Experience” of EMSBS and in its research program, which since 2017, supports academic research on customer experience and explores current and sensitive issues for companies that intend to place customer experience at the heart of their strategy.

All the contributors to the book—Damien Chaney, Marc Filser, Fuat Firat, Tatiana Henriquez, Richard Huaman-Ramirez, Yacine Ouazzani, Claire Roederer, Marion Roig, Françoise Simon, Tony Valentini—work on the academic topic of experience and on the managerial realities linked to experience but in different ways, both in terms of perspectives explored and methods used.

The book strives to reflect the dynamics that characterize the field of experience and is intended for company managers who design or steer customer experience. Its content will allow them to have a synthetic vision of the current challenges of research on experience. The book is also meant for marketing lecturers and their students and is a useful resource for courses in marketing, service marketing, and consumer behavior. 

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We congratulate her warmly for this successful endeavor!



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