Les publications de l'EM Strasbourg
Les travaux de recherche menés par nos enseignants-chercheurs contribuent à la qualité des enseignements de l’école. Retrouvez ici, l’ensemble de leurs articles académiques.
550 publications
EL KHOURY R., HARB E., NASRALLAH N. (2021). Triple Vectorial Analysis of Financial Development Impact on Economic Growth: Evidence from the Middle East and Central Asia. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 1746 (n° 8809) [ABS cat.1]
FRANCOIS A., MéON P. (2021). Politicians at higher levels of government are perceived as more corrupt. European Journal of Political Economy, 67 (n° 2001) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.A]
MICHEL S., BEN-SLIMANE K. (2021). Articuler travail identitaire interne et externe quand le changement institutionnel menace l'identité organisationnelle: le cas d'un grossiste face aux centrales d'achats. M@n@gement, 24 (n° 3) [ABS cat.1, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
ORKUT H. (2021). Foreign stock investment and sophistication of French retail investors. Finance, 42 [ABS cat.1, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
ZHANG H., DARBY J., ZHANG J. (2021). Institutional Trading in Volatile Markets: Evidence from Chinese stock markets. Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 65 (n° 101484) [CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B]
GRANDCLAUDE S., NOBRE T. (2021). Analyse descriptive des innovations organisationnelles de l'article 51. Journal de gestion et d'économie de la santé, 6 (n° 6) [FNEGE cat.4]
DERROUICHE R., FERNANDES V. (2021). RFGI 4.0 : nouvelle équipe et nouveau format pour une revue augmentée. Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle ?, 35 (n° 1) [CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.EM, HCERES cat.C]
KELLING N., SAUER P., GOLD S., SEURING S. (2021). The Role of Institutional Uncertainty for Social Sustainability of Companies and Supply Chains. Journal of Business Ethics, 170 [ABS cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.1, HCERES cat.A]
KLEIN M. (2021). Emotional labor in a sales ecosystem: a salesperson-customer interactional framework. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B]
NORMAND R., HOVARTH K., LEEMANN R. (2021). The New European Political Arithmetic of Inequalities in Education: A History of the Present, special issue: Education, Politics, Inequalities: Current Dynamics and Perspectives. Social Inclusion, 9
TANG M. (2021). « Internet financial marketing of banks: Problems and countermeasures. Journal of Eastern Liaoning University (Social Science Edition), 23
KWOK D. (2021). Cross-border M&As and early subordinate-leader trust: A social identity approach. European Journal of International Management, 1 (n° 1) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.4, HCERES cat.C] Impact Factor. 2