The Be Distinctive Spirit
Be distinctive. Stand out. We don’t just support the idea of being different; we support the idea of knowing how to make a difference by being ourselves. EM Strasbourg Business School is committed to developing, revealing, and amplifying the talents and potential of each of our students.
EM Strasbourg does not brainwash. EM Strasbourg values individual uniqueness.
We want to create opportunities for all our students, to support them in the full expression of themselves. Our School actively takes part in revealing and amplifying what makes each student unique. Do you have passion and a strong personality? At EM Strasbourg, you will find the ideal environment for your talents to flourish.
If you're looking for yourself,
there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself,
especially with us.
Be Distinctive, Discover Our Ambassadors
Ils témoignent

"After graduating, I worked for the brand Lancôme in airports and wrote articles for airline magazines. I had always been attracted by the aviation sector. When I was younger, I dreamed of being a flight attendant and decided to take an hour's flying lesson. After 60 minutes over the Vosges, I had fallen in love with flying. Friends encouraged me, telling me that I was capable of making a living out of it.”
"After graduating, I worked for the brand Lancôme in airports and wrote articles for airline magazines. I had always been attracted by the aviation sector. When I was younger, I dreamed of being a flight attendant and decided to take an hour's flying lesson. After 60 minutes over the Vosges, I had f...
"I've been doing Thai boxing since the age of 13. I've been French champion several times (junior, C, B, and A classes) and also K1 (Kick Boxing) champion. After that, I won European and world titles. I have reached a high (professional) level because my schedule allows me to do so. In post-secondary preparatory classes, I had about 40 hours of class per week, so it would have been difficult to do, especially with exams. Now, I have elite athlete status, which allows me to benefit from scheduling accommodations."
"I've been doing Thai boxing since the age of 13. I've been French champion several times (junior, C, B, and A classes) and also K1 (Kick Boxing) champion. After that, I won European and world titles. I have reached a high (professional) level because my schedule allows me to do so. In post-secondar...
"EM Strasbourg intrigued me with the format of their interviews during the oral entrance exams. On the big day, I brought my diabolo equipment, photos of my act, and my promotional video. I got 20/20. I was accepted by other schools, sometimes better ranked than EM Strasbourg, but the School here pushed me and helped me to develop my passion. That, among other things, is what made the difference. The administration granted me scheduling accommodations so I could handle the Arts Association presidency, juggling, competitions, and classes."
"EM Strasbourg intrigued me with the format of their interviews during the oral entrance exams. On the big day, I brought my diabolo equipment, photos of my act, and my promotional video. I got 20/20. I was accepted by other schools, sometimes better ranked than EM Strasbourg, but the School here pu...
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