Our Distinctions

In order to ensure the quality of all its programs, activities, and values, EM Strasbourg Business School engages in external recognition processes. The School has obtained several nationally and internationally recognized accreditations, quality labels, and certifications.

Our Distinctions - EM Strasbourg

Overview of the Distinctions


Our Accreditations


AACSB Accreditation for EM Strasbourg Business School

EM Strasbourg has been AACSB accredited since 2015.
The AACSB accreditation offers extremely high standards of excellence for higher education and research in the field of administration and management. Obtaining it allows accredited establishments to implement a rigorous continuous improvement process.  AACSB not only covers the evaluation of the School's strategy but also the quality of the faculty and the skills acquired by graduates.

For example, the Peer Review Team highlighted the following points for our School: 

  • A strong grounding in the local region in addition to an international reach

  • A beneficial affiliation with the University of Strasbourg and a doctoral program that differentiates the School from its competitors in France

  • A real human dimension and a close relationship with students through coaching as well as personal and professional development

  • A strong commitment in the field of CSR through the three values at the heart of the School's mission: ethics, sustainable development, and diversity


EFMD Programme Accreditation System (EPAS) Accreditation for Programme Grande École

EM Strasbourg’s PGE master's degree received EPAS accreditation for the first time in April 2009. This was then renewed for five years in May 2012 and May 2017.

It recognizes excellent programs in management across the globe and places emphasis on corporate connections and CSR. It is awarded by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), which also provides EQUIS accreditation. EPAS praised many features of EM Strasbourg's Programme Grande École: 

  • The internationalization of the program with mandatory international exchanges

  • The quality of the teaching and administrative teams, who are competent and attentive to students’ needs and expectations

  • The professional training given to students


AMBA Accreditation for Programme Grande École

EM Strasbourg has been AMBA accredited for its PGE master's degree since June 2020. 

This accreditation recognizes the excellence and internationalization of a general program at the master's level. During the audit, the auditors were drawn to several elements that define our School: 

  • Well-defined links with the University of Strasbourg, which give the School the ability to act independently while benefiting from the University’s facilities and the LaRGE and HuManiS research centers

  • Infrastructure and new premises improving students’ quality of learning

  • A well-structured internationalization strategy with real added value for students

  • The auditors liked Cap Career, the School's service that supports students’ personal and professional development, which is an integral part of the curriculum


EQUIS Accreditation for EM Strasbourg Business School

EM Strasbourg earned EQUIS accreditation in March 2022 for a period of three years. 

EQUIS is an international accreditation, issued by EFMD, which attests to the excellence of an institution as a whole. EQUIS focuses especially on three overarching aspects: internationalisation, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and connections with practice. In 2022, approximately 200 institutions worldwide are EQUIS accredited, and more than half of them are in Europe.

Here are a few features of the School that caught the auditors' attention: 


With Respect to Program Portfolio and Professional Training​​​​​​

  • The development of program content 
  • The evolution of research quantity and quality
  • The development of internal organization and improvement in faculty management policies and processes
  • The excellent use of strong connections with the corporate world in study programs
  • The number of professionals and managers working as adjunct faculty
  • The many opportunities for students to do internships in companies
  • The central role of experiential learning and personal development in all programs

Concerning Internationalization 

  • The focus on dual degrees with German partner institutions

  • The attention paid to languages as essential skills in the business world
  • The compulsory stay abroad in certain programs
  • The opportunities to do internships abroad
  • The development of a campus on the other side of the Rhine in Kehl



Qualicert Service Certification

EM Strasbourg was awarded Qualicert Service certification from March 2010 to May 2022 by the certification body SGS ICS (29, avenue Aristide Briand - 94111 Arcueil Cedex). The Qualicert standard, created by IAE France, is specific to a "university training and research activity in the field of management sciences and management" and contains about a hundred commitments that allow for the improvement of services for different stakeholders.


Our Quality Labels


Diversity Label

EM Strasbourg was the first public institution of higher education in France to be awarded the Diversity Label in February 2012. This quality label is awarded by AFNOR Certification after approval by the national quality label commission. The Diversity Label was granted for four years in 2012 and 2016 and then renewed in October 2021 for the 2021-2025 period.

The Diversity Label is designed to demonstrate public and private organizations’ commitment to “preventing discrimination, providing equal opportunity, and promoting diversity in the scope of human resources management.” As part of continuous improvement, the Diversity Label makes it possible to regularly evaluate the management of diversity and inclusion within the School by uniting all its stakeholders and actors concerned with providing equal opportunity and preventing and fighting against discrimination.

The Diversity Label is a true expression of the commitment made by the School and its various stakeholders to diversity, one of the EM Strasbourg’s fundamental values along with sustainable development and ethics. 


Quality Labels for State-Registered Degrees

These quality labels recognize degrees that are regulated by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation. At EM Strasbourg Business School, two degrees have been attributed these labels:

  • The PGE master's degree, which benefits from the label “Diplôme National de Master contrôlé par l’État
  • The Bachelor of International Business, which has earned the label “Diplôme National de Licence contrôlé par l’État


Labels DNL et DNM

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