Build Your Career

Support at the start of your career, for up to five years after your graduation

Build Your Career - EM Strasbourg

EM Strasbourg Career +, the career service dedicated to graduates

With Career +, EM Strasbourg will support you in starting your career, for up to five years after graduation. Thanks to the implementation of an Atolia interactive platform, individual coaching sessions, and professional events, EM Strasbourg supports you in developing your potential and know-how.

Join a Collaborative Community

As a real professional social network dedicated to the EM Strasbourg alumni community, the Atolia platform allows you to have private conversations and direct discussions on thematic groups (employment, retraining, entrepreneurship, etc.). Career tools and advice are also available. Visit them wherever you are and whenever you want!


Benefit from Individual Coaching Sessions

EM Strasbourg offers you three hours of coaching to boost your skills and consolidate your soft skills. By videoconference, e-mail, or face-to-face, the goal of these sessions with professional coaches is for you to succeed with your projects according to your own criteria!


Expand Your Network at Professional Events

Whether you are self-employed or a wage-earning employee, developing your network is essential in order to develop your business, your career, or simply to exchange ideas! This is why, every two months, EM Strasbourg invites you to after-work events and conferences organized in Paris or Strasbourg. Find all these events on the EM Strasbourg Alumni Facebook page.

Discover the Career + platform 

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