Young Entrepreneur University Diploma

A one-year diploma in entrepreneurship, to be completed alongside your studies at EM Strasbourg

Young Entrepreneur University Diploma - EM Strasbourg

Program Overview

The collective nature of entrepreneurship requires an educational setting that is conducive to collaboration. The Young Entrepreneur university diploma allows students to gain autonomy while developing their project by making the sharing of knowledge and experience a key entrepreneurial practice in their role as budding entrepreneurs. 


Program Objectives 

  • Acquire a global understanding of the challenges inherent to starting a business in order to gain autonomy in developing your start-up
  • Develop and transmit new knowledge by using collaborative tools and actively contributing to the community of student entrepreneurs within the program


Strengths of the Program 

  • A participative teaching method centered on the specificities of the projects carried out by the student entrepreneurs 
  • Collective and collaborative approaches to entrepreneurship, leveraging the sharing of knowledge and experience to develop projects
  • An add-on diploma taken alongside programs offered at EM Strasbourg 
  • A diploma offered by EM Strasbourg's entrepreneurial center La Ruche, where more than 100 entrepreneurs are coached each year  


Program Layout 

This add-on diploma provides 130 hours of training from October to June, scheduled in accordance with the timetables of the programs of study in which student entrepreneurs are primarily enrolled. Courses are compulsory and given at EM Strasbourg. Training is conducted in French.


Course set 1: Community Pillar: Collective Entrepreneurship 

  • Common Objectives 
  • Community Events 
  • Training Sessions 


Course set 2: Project Pillar: Business Model & Business Plan 

  • Coaching Project 
  • Design Thinking 
  • Financial Business Model
  • Marketing Offerings 


Course set 3: Overarching Pillar: Thematic Sessions

  • Group Tutoring 




Important Dates


Opening date for applications: 

  • September


Closing date for applications:

  • End of September 


Entry Requirements




Apply here



Quentin Lambert

Assistant Teaching Professor (ATER)


Ils témoignent

"J'avais en tête un projet entrepreneurial depuis quelques années déjà, sans qu’il ne se concrétise réellement. C'est donc au stade de l'idée que j'ai rejoint le DU JE. Les sessions d’échanges du programme m’ont permis de mieux appréhender le monde entrepreneurial, et d’être plus serein dans mon pro...

Julien Meyer