Programme Grande École

With the PGE combined bachelor’s and master’s degree program, think big and dream big through personal and professional development, academic excellence, and international immersion.


You have the option of joining the program right after high school or after two or three years of higher education.


Admission & Funding

The entrance exam depends on the program you are currently completing.
Depending on your results, you can benefit from reduced tuition.


International Students

Entry after two or three years of higher education

French Students

Entry after high school
Entry after three years of higher educationTake the exam in your last year of high school or your first year of higher education
Entry after two years of higher education
Entry after two years of higher education
Entry after two years of higher education
Entry after three years of higher education
Entry after three years of higher education
Your Contacts

Perrine LEDIG

Head of Sales and Student Recruitment

Marine Gregoire

International Student Recruitment and Promotion Coordinator




For scholarship holders, the cost of tuition depends on their level [Fr]. In year 4 and/or 5, if you opt for co-op, your tuition is paid by your host company.

Full price €10,500 / year
Level 0 bis / 1 €8,400 / year
Level 2 / 3 €6,500 / year
Level 4 / 5 €5,500 / year
Level 6 / 7 €3,500 / year

Our Policy on Inclusive Excellence

We attach particular importance to our future students' commitment to their studies. Depending on when they enter the program, tuition discounts may be applied according to their results: high school grades, entrance exam scores, academic average during the program. Combined, these discounts can amount to up to €5,000.


  • The Distinctive Scholarship is intended for PGE students who demonstrate academic excellence and are experiencing financial difficulties. Interested students are asked to prepare an application at the beginning of the second semester of the academic year. A committee bringing together PGE directors and Student Support Office staff select two winners per year of study who receive a €2,500 scholarship. Learn more  
  • The Jacques Lambert Scholarship is awarded to three students in year 3 of our PGE combined bachelor’s and master’s degree program who receive a €2,500 scholarship from the Jacques Lambert Foundation. Learn more [Fr]
  • High school applicants who graduated with highest distinction (mention très bien) are entitled to a 30% discount on their first year of study.
  • Prépa, Tremplin Bac+2, and Tremplin Bac+3 applicants who score in the top 3 are entitled to a 30% discount on their first year of study.

Solutions to Finance Your Studies


Do you have questions about financing your studies?

Agathe Girbone

Head of the Student Support Office

Their Experience

"EM Strasbourg allows us to envision a career path that is adapted to our individual desires and aspirations. I chose the Marketing & Customer Relations major. I also got involved in the Sports Association and the Ecricome Team Challenge. Classes and community life allow me to combine my passion...

Clément Maurin

"Programme Grande École at EM Strasbourg was a natural choice. Going abroad for a whole year was really a great opportunity for me. I was also attracted by the community life at EM; it was the richest and most memorable experience of my years at the School."

Nina Wion

"I chose to participate in various associations. I started with Europe Études, the Junior Enterprise, then became president of the Team Challenge, and finally was appointed to head a section of the Sports Association. This allowed me to combine my experience with my passion. I also chose to major in...

Alexandre Gueguen

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