Sports Marketing Specialization

PGE dual degree specializations: for one full year, develop your knowledge in the field of expertise of your choice and earn an additional master's degree.

La spécialisation en détails

In a Nutshell

  • Entry requirement

    Upon selection

  • Degree awarded

    Master's degree

  • Language

    French and English

  • Format

    Full time

  • Duration

    1 year


The sports sector is facing new modes of promotion and communication. It requires more and more highly qualified people in core business activities who understand this very particular environment. The specialization Marketing & Sport Management, developed in collaboration with the Faculty of Sports Science, offers you courses in management, marketing, and project management to successfully carry out your responsibilities in companies.

Objectives of the Specialization

  • Develop a marketing plan
  • Conduct market research
  • Use statistical processing software for market research
  • Master digital communication tools

Strengths of the Specialization

Specialization offered in collaboration with the Faculty of Sports Science

All courses designed to meet the needs of the sport sector

This specialization is part of our dual degree offer. At the end of their studies, our students hold two nationally recognized master's degrees: the PGE master’s degree and the Master of Sports Marketing.


Hard Skills

Project management

Managing marketing strategies

Managing business strategies

Understanding the needs of consumers of sporting products

Soft Skills

Customer service

Creativity and initiative

Leadership and social influence

Decision making (risk assessment and resource management)

Ability to judge and solve complex problems

Independence and time management

Ability to give reports and make recommendations

Active learning

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EM Strasbourg Business School, 61 avenue de la forêt-noire
EM Strasbourg Business School, 61 avenue de la forêt-noire



Chargée de la promotion et du recrutement à l'international


Nathalie REDJEM

Chargée de la promotion et du recrutement national


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Entry requirement : Upon selection Degree awarded : Master's degree