In a Nutshell
Entry requirement
Upon selection
Degree awarded
Master's degree
French and English
Full time
3 years
The quality of companies' accounting information is essential in a competitive context. Indicators allow decisions to be made, often strategic ones, with a real impact on company performance. The Audit, Accounting, and Internal Controls dual degree specialization trains you to be an auditor and prepares you for the CPA diploma. We have chosen to give the specialization a proper managerial focus in order to help you enter the working world.
Objectives of the Specialization
Gain a good understanding of companies’ financial statements.
Understand information management issues in organizations.
Determine the consequences of decisions from a tax perspective.
Understand the challenges of organizations, how they operate, and managerial issues in a complex and changing environment.
Strengths of the Specialization
A proper managerial focus
Validation of five out of seven modules for the higher education diploma in accounting and management (DSCG), the French equivalent of the Uniform CPA Exam
Preparation for DSCG modules 1 and 4 via two course sets totaling 20 hours each
A semester entirely dedicated to a compulsory internship (semester 4)
This specialization is part of our dual degree offer. At the end of their studies, our students are awarded a master’s degree from the University in addition to their PGE master’s degree.
Hard Skills
Financial diagnosis of companies
Cash management
Fiscal and social legal management
Information systems
Soft Skills
Report writing
Analysis of your environment
Deductive reasoning
Responsible management
Discover the Audit, Accounting, and Internal Controls Dual Degree Specialization


Chargée de la promotion et du recrutement à l'international