General Questions
Their Experience

“For me, the major advantage of the Master of European Management Studies is its strong practical orientation, with an internship in Germany during the first year of the program and co-op in France during the second year. This gives each student the opportunity to choose his or her own specialization. Intercultural skills, which are indispensable in today's working world, are not only taught theoretically but also experienced daily within the Franco-German student cohort and during the professional experiences in both countries. The trilingual profile and the in-depth knowledge of management that I was able to acquire throughout this master's degree have considerably accelerated and facilitated my professional insertion.”
“For me, the major advantage of the Master of European Management Studies is its strong practical orientation, with an internship in Germany during the first year of the program and co-op in France during the second year. This gives each student the opportunity to choose his or her own specializatio...
“The Master of European Management Studies was a real springboard for my personal and professional development. The intense study pace combined with the professional nature of the program provide students with transversal skills that are vital in today's globalized world of work. The international opportunities provided by this program, notably through its trilingual courses and internships and co-op placements abroad, increase the field of possibilities for graduates tenfold.”
“The Master of European Management Studies was a real springboard for my personal and professional development. The intense study pace combined with the professional nature of the program provide students with transversal skills that are vital in today's globalized world of work. The international o...
"After my Bachelor of International Business, I entered the Franco-German Master of European Management Studies. The courses and group work allowed me to gain in-depth management skills, enriched by a real mastery of languages (French, German, English). After completing a co-op placement in change management at one of the world's largest IT companies, I obtained a position as a digital transformation consultant. Above all, EM Strasbourg allowed me to blossom and prepare my future plans with serenity.”
"After my Bachelor of International Business, I entered the Franco-German Master of European Management Studies. The courses and group work allowed me to gain in-depth management skills, enriched by a real mastery of languages (French, German, English). After completing a co-op placement in change m...