International Students Welcome to EM Strasbourg
Are you looking to join a top business school? We are the first university business school in France to receive triple international accreditation, and we offer undergraduate and master's degrees with various entrance points.
Why join EM Strasbourg Business School?
Joining EM Strasbourg means accessing excellence and stacking the odds in your favor post-graduation. Our school is ranked 66th in the Financial Times ranking, and we are the only business school in France to be part of a world-class university, the University of Strasbourg, ranked top 150 in the ShanghaiRanking.
Our programs of study (Bachelor of International Business, Programme Grande École, and Master's Program) are internationally recognized. Find the program that best suits you based on your level of study and your expectations.

Three-Year Bachelor of International Business
This three-year program offers top-notch academic and operational training: develop your knowledge with practical courses related to all business professions to master the fundamentals of management and business in an international context.
✔ A language stay in first year (10 weeks abroad),
✔ An optional co-op (work-study) track in third year,
✔ The choice between two language tracks: full English or progressive English.
✔ A nationally recognized undergraduate degree that opens all doors: enter the job market or pursue further study.
Discover the Bachelor of International Business

Five-Year Programme Grande École
Enter this flagship program right after high school at the earliest or after the first year of a master's degree at the latest, this program allows you to develop your curiosity, experiment with your ideas, and build your career by specializing in the field of your choice.
✔ 23 available specializations in the final year of the program to become an expert in your field
✔ Prestigious national and international dual degrees: Sciences Po, HEC Montréal, etc.
✔ An à la carte program: opportunities to go abroad, in-company experiences, choice of specialisation, etc.
✔ The possibility of spending up to two full years abroad
✔ Up to two years of co-op or internships throughout the program
Discover Programme Grande École
Two-Year Master's Programs
As a university-based business school, we also offer nationally recognized master's degrees. These programs are accessible after three years of post-secondary education or, subject to certain conditions, after four years of post-secondary education.
✔Programs designed to meet the needs of businesses,
✔ Courses taught by recognized faculty who are experts in their field,
✔ Two European triple degrees: Master of European Digital & Sustainable Business and Master of European Management Studies
Discover our master's programs

Key Figures
Strasbourg: top 10 university town
At the heart of Europe and home to European institutions such as the European Parliament, Strasbourg is situated at a strategic crossroads near Germany and Switzerland. Resolutely cosmopolitan, it is a university town with 23% of students coming from over 150 countries. This international dimension offers many opportunities!
La capitale européenne est idéale pour une vie étudiante à la fois dynamique et paisible : riche de son patrimoine historique et gastronomique, Strasbourg est réputée pour sa vie culturelle rythmée, ses espaces verts et ses nombreux bars et restaurants. Les nombreuses pistes cyclables et le réseau de transports en commun facilitent les déplacements à travers la ville.
Do you have questions?
Vous êtes intéressé par notre école et vous avez des questions ? Prenez rendez-vous avec notre service dédié au recrutement international ou avec nos étudiants ambassadeurs.
If you are interested in our school and have further questions, we have answers! Make an appointment with our team dedicated to international recruitment or with our student ambassadors.

Marine Gregoire

Aline Farah