Trieu Pham Thi Tuy’s Dissertation Defense

These Trieu Pham Thi Tuy EM Strasbourg

Trieu Pham Thi Tuy defended her dissertation on “Entrepreneurship and the Interpersonal Network. The Case of Vietnam” on July 17, 2019.

The examination board was composed of:

  • Thierry Nobre, Professor, EM Strasbourg, University of Strasbourg, Dissertation Advisor
  • Marc Bonnet, Professor, iaelyon School of Management, Dissertation Committee Member
  • Philippe Chappelier, Professor, University of Montpellier, Polytech, Dissertation Committee Member
  • Gilles Paché, Professor, Aix-Marseille University
  • Isabelle Barth, Professor, INSEEC U, Dissertation Advisor
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