Patrice Charlier, Head of the Governance and Family Business Transfer Chair, was asked by the newspapers L'Opinion and Les Echos to share insights about the particularities of the Partnership Limited by Shares.
Patrice Charlier, teacher-researcher at EM Strasbourg, was interviewed by Muriel Motte for an article intitled "Is Limited Partnership completely outdated?" (in French) published on April 26, 2021 in L'Opinion:
"It is one of the oldest forms of business organization, created by the Venetians as a means to finance their boats," says Patrice Charlier, lecturer at EM Strasbourg. "It can remain relevant as it allows a dissociation between "active" family shareholders and "passive" family shareholders, and protects managers from the short-term pressure of financial markets."
Moreover, his article "The Partnership Limited By Shares: a Tool of Transmission and organization for the Family Public Company" published in the journal Finance-Contrôle-Stratégie in 2014 was quoted in an article by Laurence Boisseau intitled "Partnership Limited by Shares, a rare species at the Paris Stock Exchange" (in French) published in Les Echos on April 27, 2021, following Lagardère announcement about changing the company status.
"The interest of this company lies in the duality of its investors: general partners who hold power even if they are not a majority in capital, and limited partners who bring capital. An original governance that makes it possible to clearly separate management and control», explained Patrice Charlier, director of the chair Governance and transmission of family businesses at EM-Strasbourg, in 2014, in a book on Partnership Limited by Shares."