L'Etudiant magazine's 2025 ranking of the best business schools was published at the beginning of October, and EM Strasbourg Business School's Programme Grande École was ranked 15th, up three places compared to the previous edition. The School is proud to join the top 15 French business schools.
A total of 37 grandes écoles were examined by L'Etudiant: all have a Programme Grande École (PGE) conferring a master's degree, 21 recruit preparatory class graduates, 13 are accessible right after high school, and three of them, including EM Strasbourg, offer both admissions pathways.
EM Strasbourg's PGE stands out for its academic excellence, international exposure and accredited academic partners, social openness, and graduate satisfaction, with 99% of graduates recommending their school.
The extension of the PGE to a five-year program in fall 2024, making it directly accessible to high school graduates, also positions EM Strasbourg in the top 3 French business schools offering this option.
This recognition underlines the School's ongoing development and confirms the relevance of its unique model, which makes it France's first triple-accredited university business school.