By coming to Strasbourg, EM Strasbourg students gain access to an environment that is rich, varied, and above all very accessible. The School and local authorities are multiplying their efforts to welcome newcomers as they ought to be welcomed. This is notably the case of Résoptimist, a community of Strasbourg residents committed to their city. Advice, tips, recommendations—the members of the network share their experiences living in Strasbourg with newcomers.
The Résoptimist community is made up of about 250 members. They are all driven by the desire to help people discover Strasbourg by sharing their experiences. The network operates primarily via an online platform. It connects people interested in Strasbourg with members of the community. If a student asks a question on the platform, an algorithm will propose a selection of Résoptimist experts who are likely to answer his or her question.
“A new student may need help when he or she arrives in Strasbourg: tips for discovering the city, finding housing, learning about community life, getting a student job, etc. Résoptimist can easily supplement help provided by the School. Thanks to this network, the student benefits from personalized support,” says Jennifer Siegel-Laas, local marketing developer for the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg in charge of the network.
Being Europtimist is a state of mind in Strasbourg
The Résoptimist community is one of the many tools deployed by the Strasbourg Europtimist brand to boost the attractiveness of the region. “Europtimist reflects a state of mind in the city. Strasbourg is a big family. There will always be someone to answer a question. Strasbourg, a city located in the heart of Europe, conveys a decisively optimistic and welcoming image,” explains Jennifer Siegel-Laas.
In addition to Résoptimist, the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg has also set up another network to promote the city: Chief Officer Optimists. Eight personalities from the economic, cultural, and sports spheres make up this group. Their mission is to make the city of Strasbourg radiate outside the city walls.
“Strasbourg Europtimist is an original initiative undertaken by the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg in conjunction with numerous partners. We're putting forward real people from Strasbourg and their experiences to make the city shine and answer any questions people interested in Strasbourg may have.”