Laurence Viale, associate professor at EMSBS, defended her HDR dissertation entitled “Les Achats et l'innovation : Réflexions sur l'interrelation et la mise en oeuvre” on November 28, 2022, at IAE Clermont Auvergne. An HDR is a French qualification granting associate professors to right to supervise research.
The examination board was composed of the following individuals:
- Mme AGERON Blandine, full professor, Université de Grenoble
- Mme CARBONE Valentina, Pfull professor, ESCP Europe
- M. BENTAHAR Omar, full professor, IAE Metz
- M. PACHE Gilles, full professor, Aix Marseille Université
- M. JOHNSEN Thomas, full professor, Université de Nantes
- M. TALBOT Damien, full professor, UCA
We obtained a short testimonial from her:
“This HDR dissertation, the result of reflective and prospective research work at the crossroads of several theoretical fields, allows us to make advancements in our understanding of the links between purchasing and innovation management. As instability tends to become the norm, it calls for the revision of old practices and a real commitment to a radical change in the proper design and operation of supply management. I had the privilege of benefiting from the attention of each of the full professors making up this HDR examination board: Blandine Ageron, Valentina Carbone, Omar Bentahar, Thomas E. Johnsen, and the dynamic president Gilles Paché!
A special thanks goes out to Damien Talbot for his guidance and the good times we had! I thank the Université Clermont Auvergne for its optional and compulsory HDR training courses. I would also like to thank all my colleagues, those at my institution, EMSBS, for their help during the publicoaching workshops, all my co-authors with whom I was able to collaborate to achieve these results, and the editors, reviewers, and practitioners.”
We would like to warmly congratulate her on this great achievement!