EM Strasbourg Launches a Customer Experience Chair

Lancement Chaire Expérience Client

EM Strasbourg announced today the launch of a “Customer Experience” Chair in partnership with the Franco-German industrial group Hager Group, the Schmidt Groupe and the SIG Strasbourg basketball club. The aim of this chair is to bring together partners operating in different sectors around this universal theme, by combining managerial and academic perspectives.


The launch of this chair took place on Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. at EM Strasbourg in the presence of:


  • Herbert Castéran, Dean of EM Strasbourg,
  • Jean-Yves Pabst, Vice-President (Finance) of the University of Strasbourg,
  • Régis Bello, President of the Unistra Foundation,
  • Claire Roederer, Associate Professor and Research Supervisor, Holder of the Customer Experience Chair, accompanied by Hélène Monot, who supported her in drawing up partnership agreements between the School and business sponsors,
  • Martial Bellon, President of SIG Strasbourg,
  • Nicolas Moncade, Member of the SIG Board of Directors,
  • Aymeric Jeanneau, General Development Manager of SIG,
  • Martin Kaiser, Chief Executive of Hager Services, representing the HAGER Group employer brand, accompanied by Cécile Mora, Corporate Communication Manager
  • Ana Maria Arteaga, Corporate HR - Talent Program Manager, Hager Group
  • Sabine Aupetit, Strategic Marketing Project Manager, Schmidt Groupe.

The idea of the Customer Experience Chair is based on a simple observation. There is no company that doesn’t deliver experience to its customers in all sectors. However, not all companies use an experiential perspective to build competitive advantage. The idea behind the Chair is therefore to bring together partners operating in different sectors, around the theme of customer experience by combining managerial and academic perspectives” explains Claire Roederer, Associate Professor at EM Strasbourg, Holder of the Chair.


The Concept of Customer Experience

The customer experience is what a customer retains from the interactions they have with a brand, with its products, services, contact personnel, and all the media that the brand chooses to communicate (physical points of sale, websites, advertising, after-sales services, etc.). Every interaction with the brand shapes the customer experience. It is a cumulative process, which results in relative preference judgements, as the customer can constantly compare their experience and the value delivered by the brand with other experience offerings available in a market.



The “Customer Experience” Chair at EM Strasbourg aims to create a space for research, reflection, and training around the theme of customer experience in its physical and digital variations and its transversality.

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