EM Strasbourg Business School joins forces with entrance exam provider SESAME

Concours SESAME

With its master's-level Programme Grande École (PGE), EM Strasbourg Business School, a triple-accredited school, is teaming up with entrance exam provider SESAME for the 2025 student recruitment season, alongside 17 grande écoles offering 20 undergraduate programs (9 four-year programs and 11 five-year programs).  

An entrance exam provider with undisputed leadership

Accessible via parallel admissions (after two or three years of higher education) since its creation in 1994, EM Strasbourg's five-year PGE has been rethought and reformatted over the course of 2024 to also enable high school graduates to enter it via the SESAME competitive entrance examination starting in 2025. This program completes SESAME’s existing master’s degree offer, which by next January will have more than 55 sub-selections in Parcoursup, confirming its leadership in undergraduate competitive entrance exams for schools of international management. 
According to Babak Mehmanpazir, Dean of EM Strasbourg: “We are very honored to be joining SESAME in fall 2024 and thereby raising the profile of our new five-year PGE program among high school graduates throughout France. EM Strasbourg Business School, a unique school in the landscape of French business schools, belongs to the University of Strasbourg and is located in a cross-border region in the heart of Europe, offering opportunities for collaboration within a dynamic ecosystem. The only triple-accredited university business school in France, EM Strasbourg has made inclusive excellence one of its top priorities and is upgrading its PGE to a five-year program accessible upon high school graduation, with tiered tuition rates aligned with each student's situation."
According to Vincenzo Vinzi, President of SESAME, “The entry of EM Strasbourg's PGE reaffirms SESAME's position as the benchmark in France for access to the best undergraduate management programs. The enlargement of the community of schools reinforces the clarity and coherence of the offer for students and their families and enables them to make career choices in complete confidence."
The arrival of the Strasbourg-based management school in SESAME’s community of schools completes its territorial coverage of the Grand-Est region, with a triple-accredited school that is part of the University of Strasbourg.  



The benchmark for undergraduate entrance exams for schools of international business and management, SESAME now brings together 20 targeted programs (9 four-year and 11 five-year programs) offered by 17 leading schools, all members of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles. Since its creation in 1992, then giving access to six programs, the entrance exam provider expanded its range to 8 programs in 2015, 14 in 2019, 16 in 2023, reaching 20 in 2024 offered by 17 grandes écoles. With over 180,000 candidates since its inception, SESAME is present in more than 90 countries, with 13.5% of French-speaking candidates living abroad.  

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