VALLEJO GARCIA J. (2015). Managers' Readiness for Organizational Change: Exploring the Intercultural Competence Connection.. Business and Economic Policy, 2 (n° 1), pp. 98-116
VALLEJO GARCIA J. (2007). The Challenge of Globalising Higher Education: A Latin American Perspective.. Shaping the Future with International Business Education, Bremen, Helga Meyer and Manfred Michel
LANGINIER H., MAC GABHANN K., VALLEJO GARCIA J., MEHMANPAZIR B. Comparing French and Chinese students' intercultural competence: a focus on interpersonal engagement, 14e conférence GEM&L (Groupe d'études Management & Langues), ( Juillet 2020)
VALLEJO GARCIA J. (2015). Intercultural Competence: A Conducive Factor of Managers' Readiness for Organizational Change.. Verlag Dr. Kovac
Akademisches Engagement
Acknoledgment (best professor), International Graduate Center HS-Bremen, Germany (2015).
Ddad-prize (exceptional achievements), German Academic Exchange Service, Offenburg, Germany (2002).