BETTI T., COUDERT T. (2022). How harmful are cuts in public employment and wage in times of high unemployment?. Bulletin of Economic Research, 74 (n° 1) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.3, HCERES cat.B] Impact Factor. 0.62
GUICHARDAZ R., COUDERT T., LEFEBVRE M., IGERSHEIM H., PENIN J. (2019). Dis moi ce que tu penses de la propriété intellectuelle, je te dirai qui tu es.. Revue Économique, 60 [CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A]
COUDERT T. (2015). A New Insight of the Inflation Persistence : The Role of Severance Pay. Brussels Economic Review / Cahiers Économiques de Bruxelles ?, 58 (n° 1) [CNRS cat.4, HCERES cat.C]
COUDERT T., ZIMMER B. Giving up the euro: Good or bad idea?, GDRe, (Juin 2023)
COUDERT T., ZIMMER B. Giving up the euro: Good or bad idea?, ICMAIF, ( Mai 2023)
BETTI T., COUDERT T. How harmful are cuts in public employment and wage in times of high unemployment?, Doctoral Workshop on Quantitative Dynamic Economics, ( Septembre 2016)
BETTI T., COUDERT T. How harmful are cuts in public employment and wage in times of high unemployment?, Symposium Multidisciplinaire "Economic Crisis and the Reconfiguration of European Actors, (Septembre 2015)
COUDERT T. A new insight on the inflation persistence: the role of severance pay, The Euro Crisis : Where Do We Stand ?, (Octobre 2015)