CAMBEFORT M. (2023). Hazardous ethnography: how to collect data in trouble waters?. Carnets de la Consommation
CAMBEFORT M., PECOT F. (2020). Theorizing rightist anti-consumption. Marketing Theory [ABS cat.3, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B]
CAMBEFORT M. (2020). How the COVID-19 pandemic is challenging consumption. Markets, Globalization & Development Review
CAMBEFORT M. (2019). A typology of the perceived risks in the context of consumer brand resistance. Journal of Product and Brand Management [ABS cat.1, CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.4, HCERES cat.C]
CAMBEFORT M. Les murs d'image en ligne (MIEL), Workshop Marques et Etudes Marketing, (Mars 2023)
CAMBEFORT M. Expression des boycotts problématiques sur Internet : le cas du #boycottdecathlon, Journée de la Relation à la Marque dans un Monde Connecté, (Decembre 2021)
CAMBEFORT M. Consommer moins, consommer autrement : étude de l'impact du covid-19 sur les pratiques de déconsommation, Journée Normandes de Recherche sur la Consommation, (Novembre 2021)
HUAMAN RAMIREZ R., CAMBEFORT M. The effect of Informativeness, Interactivity, Ease-of-use, Visual Appeal, Inovativeness of an Online Booking Webste on User's Satisfaction: Do Gender and Age matter ?, 36ème congrès de l'Association Française du Marketing (AFM), ( 2020)
CAMBEFORT M., PECOT F. Rightist Reasons against Consumption, AMS Annual Marketing Conference, (Mai 2019)
CAMBEFORT M., ROUX D., ROUX E. Spatial Practices and Territories: and Ethnographic Approach to Protest Actions by an Environmentalist NGO, 35ème congrès de l'Association Française du Marketing (AFM), (Mai 2019)
CAMBEFORT M. Brands and Spatial Appropriation, Journée de la Relation à la Marque dans un Monde Connecté, (Novembre 2019)
CAMBEFORT M., PECOT F. Right Wing Anti-consumption, First Interdisciplinary Workshop on Right-Wing Resistance to the Market, (Septembre 2018)
CAMBEFORT M., ROUX E. Opinion Leaders' Identification : Methodological Perspectives, 3ème Journée de Recherche en Marketing du Grand Est (JRMGE), (Mars 2017)
CAMBEFORT M., PECOT F. Rightist Resistance to the Market,, ACR North America Conference, (Octobre 2017)
CAMBEFORT M., ROUX E. From Pacifists to Activists: what do Consumers Risk when they Fight against Brands, 19th World Marketing Conference, Academy of Marketing Science, (Aôut 2016)
CAMBEFORT M., ROUX E. « You should boycott Nestlé? »: Exploration of opinion leadership in a brand resistance context, 2ème Journée de Recherche en Marketing du Grand Est (JRMGE), (Avril 2016)