BLAZY R., BLUM M. (2022). Horizontal and vertical differentiation in comic art auctions. Economic Inquiry, 60 (n° 3) [ABS cat.3, AJG cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 1.54
BLAZY R., ESQUERRE S. (2021). The CV effect: To what extent does the chance to reorganize depend on a bankruptcy judge's profile?. International Review of Law and Economics, 66 [ABS cat.2, AJG cat.2, CNRS cat.1, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 0.93
BLAZY R., STEF N. (2020). Bankruptcy procedures in the post-transition economies. European Journal of Law and Economics, 50 (n° 1) [ABS cat.1, AJG cat.1, CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 1.11
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. (2019). Corporate insolvency procedures in England: the uneasy case for liquidations. European Journal of Law and Economics, 47 (n° 1) [ABS cat.1, AJG cat.1, CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 1.11
BLAZY R., BOUGHANMI A., CHOPARD B., LETAIEF A. (2018). Analyse économique du droit de la faillite: Les dix fonctions des procédures collectives. Revue d'Économie Financière, 129 (n° 1) [CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.4, HCERES cat.C]
BLAZY R., PETEY J., WEILL L. (2018). Serving the creditors after insolvency filings: from value creation to value distribution. European Journal of Law and Economics, 45 (n° 2) [ABS cat.1, AJG cat.1, CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 1.11
BLAZY R., LETAIEF A. (2017). When secured and unsecured creditors recover the same: The emblematic case of the Tunisian corporate bankruptcies. Emerging Markets Review, 30 [ABS cat.2, AJG cat.2, CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B] Impact Factor. 4.07
BLAZY R. (2015). Quelles spécificités du Droit tunisien de la faillite? Une approche « Law & Finance » comparée. Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process, 5, 1-9
BLAZY R., MARTEL J., NIGAM N. (2014). The choice between informal and formal restructuring: The case of French banks facing distressed SMEs. Journal of Banking and Finance, 44 [ABS cat.3, AJG cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.1, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 3.07
BLAZY R., BOYER T. (2014). Born to be alive? The survival of innovative and non-innovative French micro-start-ups. Small Business Economics, 42 (n° 4) [ABS cat.3, AJG cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 8.16
BLAZY R., DEFFAINS B., UMBHAUER G., WEILL L. (2013). Severe or gentle bankruptcy law: which impact on investing and financing decisions?. Economic Modelling, 34 [ABS cat.2, AJG cat.2, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 3.13
BLAZY R., CHOPARD B., NIGAM N. (2013). Building legal indexes to explain recovery rates: An analysis of the French and English bankruptcy codes. Journal of Banking and Finance, 37 (n° 6) [ABS cat.3, AJG cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.1, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 3.07
BLAZY R., CHOPARD B., LANGLAIS E., ZIANE Y. (2013). Personal bankruptcy law, fresh starts, and judicial practice. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 169 (n° 4) [ABS cat.2, AJG cat.2, CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 0.54
BLAZY R., CHOPARD B., LANGLAIS E., ZIANE Y. (2013). L'effacement des dettes des particuliers surendettés : une étude empirique des décisions judiciaires. Économie et Prévision (articles académiques) (n° 202) [CNRS cat.3, HCERES cat.B] Impact Factor. 0.15
BLAZY R., WEILL L. (2013). Why do banks ask for collateral in SME lending?. Applied Financial Economics, 23 (n° 13), pp. 1109-1122 [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.4, HCERES cat.C]
BLAZY R., CHOPARD B. (2012). (Un)secured Debt and the Likelihood of Court Supervised Reorganization. European Journal of Law and Economics, 34 (n° 1) [ABS cat.1, AJG cat.1, CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 1.11
BLAZY R., BOUGHANMI A., DEFFAINS B., GUIGOU J. (2012). Corporate Governance and Financial Development: A Study of the French Case. European Journal of Law and Economics, 33 (n° 2) [ABS cat.1, AJG cat.1, CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 1.11
BLAZY R., CHOPARD B., FIMAYER A., GUIGOU J. (2011). Employment Preservation vs. Creditors' Repayment under Bankruptcy Law: the French Dilemma?. International Review of Law and Economics, 31 (n° 2) [ABS cat.2, AJG cat.2, CNRS cat.1, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 0.93
BLAZY R., CHOPARD B., FIMAYER A., GUIGOU J. (2011). Entreprises en difficultés: l'arbitrage des tribunaux entre maintien de l'emploi et apurement du passif. Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics (n° 443) [CNRS cat.3, HCERES cat.B] Impact Factor. 0.41
BLAZY R. (2009). Stakeholders Protection and Financial Development: Evidence from France. International Journal of Business Strategy, 9 (n° 1), 116-125
BLAZY R., CHOPARD B., FIMAYER A. (2008). Bankruptcy Law: a Mechanism of Governance for Financially Distressed Firms. European Journal of Law and Economics, 25 (n° 3) [ABS cat.1, AJG cat.1, CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 1.11
BLAZY R., WEILL L. (2006). Le rôle des garanties dans les prêts des banques françaises. Revue d'Économie Politique (n° 4) [CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 0.22
BLAZY R., CHOPARD B. (2004). Ex Post Efficiency of Bankruptcy Procedures: a General Normative Framework. International Review of Law and Economics, 24 (n° 4) [ABS cat.2, AJG cat.2, CNRS cat.1, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 0.93
BLAZY R. (2002). Crédit, sanctions judiciaires et sélections d'entreprises. Revue d'Économie Politique, 112 (n° 1) [CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 0.22
BLAZY R. (1999). Modifications de comportement précédant la défaillance d'entreprise : l'impact des cessions d'actifs sur la relation de crédit. Recherches Économiques de Louvain / Louvain Economic Review ?, 2 (n° 65) [CNRS cat.3, HCERES cat.B]
BLAZY R. (1996). Mimétisme, erreurs d'anticipation de la demande et risque de défaillance des entreprises industrielles en France : un modèle économétrique à correction d'erreur. Économie et Prévision (articles académiques) (n° 125) [CNRS cat.3, HCERES cat.B] Impact Factor. 0.15
BLAZY R., CHARLETY P., COMBIER J. (1993). Les défaillances d'entreprises : des difficultés visibles plusieurs années à l'avance. Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics (n° 268) [CNRS cat.3, HCERES cat.B] Impact Factor. 0.41
BLAZY R. (2024). Choix, critères d'ouverture, efficacité et contexte des procédures de traitement de la défaillance entrepreneuriale en France et à l'étranger. Sixième Colloque Interdisciplinaire sur la Défaillance d'Entreprise (C.I.D.E.): Les éclairages réciproques du droit et des sciences de gestion sur les concepts de la défaillance entrepreneuriale, Paris, L'Harmattan (ed.: M. Lakhal, E. Séverin, X. Brédart, K. Lafaurie), 227-259
BLAZY R. (2013). Le microcrédit : une finance au service du développement?. Finance et Ethique, France, Lamy
BLAZY R. (2012). Défaut de paiement des entreprises : de l'intérêt de la solution judiciaire. Le crédit : Aspects juridiques et économiques, France, Dalloz-Sirey
BLAZY R., STORCK M. (2010). De l'attractivité du droit français des affaires à la lecture des rapports Doing Business de la Banque mondiale. , France, Lamy
BLAZY R., PETEY J., WEILL L. (2010). Comment mesurer l'efficacité du droit des faillites?. De l'attractivité du droit français des affaires à la lecture des rapports Doing, France, Lamy
BLAZY R. (2009). How do the Courts Choose between Different Bankruptcy Outcomes? The Results of a French Survey. Current Issues in European Financial and Insolvency Law, Oxford, England, Hart Publishing, 181-205
BLAZY R., BROYE G., JOHANNES P. A dynamic perspective of audit committee members' turnover, Congrès de l'AFC (Association Francophone de Comptabilité, 45è édition), (Association Francophone de Comptabilité Mai 2024)
BLAZY R., JOHANNES P., BROYE G. A dynamic perspective of audit committee members' turnover, Congrès de l'AFC, (Association Francophone de Comptabilité Mai 2024)
BLAZY R., BROYE G., JOHANNES P. Should they go ? A dynamic perspective of audit committee members' turnover, EARNet Symposium, ( Septembre 2023)
BLAZY R., COCCO L. Post-default recoveries: who matters the most, the firm or the judges?, 10th International Meeting in Law &Economics (IMLE 2023), ( Mai 2023)
BLAZY R. Table ronde: "Procédures liées à la défaillance d'entreprise en France (choix, critères d'ouverture, efficacité, contexte) et comparaison internationale", CIDE (6ème colloque interdisciplinaire sur la défaillance d'entreprise), (CIDE Novembre 2023)
BLAZY R., COCCO L. Post-default recoveries: who matters the most, the firm or the judges?, GLEA 2022, (German Law and Economics Association (GLEA) Juillet 2022)
BLAZY R., COCCO L. Post-default recoveries: who matters the most, the firm or the judges?, GDRE Finance, (European Research Group (GdRE) on Money Banking and Finance Juin 2022)
BLAZY R., BLUM M. The three stages of an auction: how do the bid dynamics influence auction prices? Evidence from live art auctions, AFSE 2022, (Association Française de Science Economique Juin 2022)
BLAZY R., BLUM M. The three stages of an auction: how do the bid dynamics influence auction prices? Evidence from live art auctions, JMA 2022, (Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée (JMA) Juin 2022)
BLAZY R. La pertinence économique du plan de cession, Colloque IFPPC, (Decembre 2022)
BLAZY R., BLUM M. Horizontal vs. vertical differentiation in art markets: An investigation on comic auctions, LARGE & University of Konstanz workshop ?Investment, Portfolio Choice and Asset Pricing?, (Septembre 2021)
BLAZY R., BLUM M. Horizontal vs. vertical differentiation in art markets: An investigation on comic auctions, ACEI 2021, (Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI) Juillet 2021)
BLAZY R., COCCO L. The CV effect: To what extent does the chance to reorganize depend on a bankruptcy judge's profile?, Ca' Foscari University, Dept. of Management seminar, (Juin 2021)
BLAZY R., COCCO L. The CV effect: To what extent does the chance to reorganize depend on a bankruptcy judge's profile?, Law, Institutions and Economics in Nanterre, LIEN seminar (EconomiX), (Mars 2021)
BLAZY R., COCCO L. The CV effect: To what extent does the chance to reorganize depend on a bankruptcy judge's profile?, LARGE seminar, (Avril 2020)
BLAZY R. The CV effect: How far do the chances to reorganize depend on the bankruptcy judges' profile?, 15th annual conference, Italian Society of Law and Economics (ISLE/SIDE), ( 2019)
BLAZY R. Bankruptcy Procedures in the Post?Transition Economies, (5th Economic Analysis of Litigation Workshop Juin 2018)
BLAZY R. Bankruptcy Procedures in the Post?Transition Economies, (5th International Meeting in Law & Economics Avril 2018)
BLAZY R. Bankruptcy Procedures in the Post?Transition Economies, (3rd Annual Conference of the French Law and Economics Association Octobre 2018)
BLAZY R. How do bankruptcy systems perform in Eastern Europe?, (European Association of Law and Economics 2017)
BLAZY R. How do the bankruptcy systems perform in Eastern Europe?, (1st European Conference on Empirical Legal Studies (CELSE) Juin 2016)
BLAZY R., PETEY J., WEILL L. Serving the creditors after insolvency filing: From value creation to value distribution, (12th annual conference, Italian Society of Law and Economics (ISLE/SIDE) Decembre 2016)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Determinants of corporate insolvency procedures in England: The uneasy case for liquidations, (Workshop ?Bankruptcy institutions, insolvency, and entrepreneurship? 2016)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Determinants of corporate insolvency procedures in England: The uneasy case for liquidations, (Workshop ?Bankruptcy institutions, corporate insolvency, and entrepreneurship Novembre 2015)
BLAZY R. How do the bankruptcy systems perform in Eastern Europe?, (Association Française de Finance 2015)
BLAZY R. How do the bankruptcy systems perform in Eastern Europe?, (13th INFINITI Conference on International Finance 2015)
BLAZY R. How do the bankruptcy systems perform in Eastern Europe?, (Multinational Finance Society 2015)
BLAZY R. How do the bankruptcy systems perform in Eastern Europe?, (Southern Finance Association 2015)
BLAZY R. Measuring the efficiency of bankruptcy [keynote speech], (CIDE international conference 2015)
BLAZY R. When secured and unsecured creditors recover the same : The emblematic case of the tunisian corporate bankruptcies, (3rd International Conference on Economics, Finance, Accounting and Transparency (EFAT'2015) 2015)
BLAZY R. How do the bankruptcy systems perform in Eastern Europe?, (European Financial Management Association 2015)
BLAZY R., PETEY J., WEILL L. Can Bankruptcy Codes Create Value? Evidence from Creditors' Recoveries in France, Germany, and the UK, (World Finance Conference Juillet 2014)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Determinants of Liquidation and Reorganization: Empirical Evidence from UK and France?, (Midwest Finance Association Mars 2014)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. The Choice between Informal and Formal Restructuring: the Case of French Banks Facing Distressed SMEs, (1st International Meeting in Law & Economics Mars 2014)
BLAZY R., UMBHAUER G., WEILL L. Severe or gentle bankruptcy law: which impact on investing and financing decisions?, (15ème journée d'études sur les faillites Janvier 2014)
BLAZY R. How do the bankruptcy systems perform in Eastern Europe?, (10th Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics 2014)
BLAZY R. Quelles spécificités du Droit tunisien de la faillite ? Une approche « Law, (2nd International Conference on Business, Economics, Marketing 2014)
BLAZY R. When secured and unsecured creditors recover the same: The emblematic case of the Tunisian corporate bankruptcies, (2nd Paris Financial Management Conference (PFMC-14) 2014)
NIGAM N., BLAZY R. The Choice between Informal and Formal Restructuring: the Case of French Banks Facing Distressed SMEs, (1st International Meeting in Law 2014)
BLAZY R. Born to Be Alive ? The Survival of Innovative and Non-Innovative French Micro Start-ups, (30th International Monetary and Banking Encounters (GDRE finance) Juin 2013)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. The Choice Between Informal and Formal Restructuring: The Case of French Banks Facing Distressed SMEs, (American Association of Law and Economics Mai 2013)
NIGAM N., BLAZY R. The Choice Between Informal and Formal Restructuring: The Case of French Banks Facing Distressed SMEs, (ALEA 23rd Annual Meeting Mai 2013)
BLAZY R., PETEY J., WEILL L. Can Bankruptcy Codes Create Value? Evidence from Creditors' Recoveries in France, Germany, and the UK, (ESSEC Paris Seminar, April 15th 2013 Avril 2013)
BLAZY R., PETEY J., WEILL L. Can Bankruptcy Codes Create Value? - Evidence from Creditors' Recoveries in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, (Midwest Finance Association Mars 2013)
BLAZY R., WEILL L. Why Do Banks Ask for Collaterals?, (Spanish Finance Association Novembre 2013)
BLAZY R. Le microcrédit: une finance au service du développement?, (IFS Summer School ?Finance et éthique? Septembre 2012)
BLAZY R., UMBHAUER G., WEILL L. How Does Bankruptcy Punishment Impact on the Design of Renegotiable Debt Contracts?, (10th INFINITI Conference on International Finance Juin 2012)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Building Legal Indexes to Explain Recovery Rates, (29th International Monetary and Banking Encounters (GDRE finance) Juin 2012)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Building Legal Indexes to Explain Recovery Rates, (Multinational Finance Society Juin 2012)
BLAZY R., PETEY J., WEILL L. Can Bankruptcy Codes Create Value? Evidence from Creditors' Recoveries in France, Germany, and the UK, (10th INFINITI Conference on International Finance Juin 2012)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Arbitrating between Renegotiation and Bankruptcy: The Case of French Banks Dealing with Distressed SMEs, (10th INFINITI Conference on International Finance Juin 2012)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Determinants of Liquidation and Reorganization Empirical Evidence from UK and France, (10th INFINITI Conference on International Finance Juin 2012)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Building Legal Indexes to Explain Recovery Rates, (Association Française de Finance Mai 2012)
BLAZY R., UMBHAUER G., WEILL L. How Does Bankruptcy Punishment Impact on the Design of Renegotiable Debt Contracts?, (CRESE Seminar Avril 2012)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Building Legal Indexes to Explain Recovery Rates, (8th Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics Decembre 2012)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Building Legal Indexes to Explain Recovery Rates, (Midwest Finance Association 2012)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Arbitrating between Renegotiation and Bankruptcy: The Case of French Banks Dealing with Distressed SMEs, (Midwest Finance Association 2012)
BLAZY R. Risque de crédit : les facteurs explicatifs du choix entre renégociation privée et procédures collectives, (Université d'été de l'Institut de Finance de Strasbourg (IFS) Septembre 2011)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Building Legal Indexes to Explain Recovery Rates, (European Association of Law and Economics Septembre 2011)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Arbitrating between Renegotiation and Bankruptcy: The Case of French Banks Dealing with Distressed SMEs, (Multinational Finance Society Juin 2011)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Arbitrating between Renegotiation and Bankruptcy: The Case of French Banks Dealing with Distressed SMEs, (28ème Colloque GDRE Monnaie, Banque et Finance Juin 2011)
BLAZY R. L'effacement des dettes des particuliers surendettés : Une étude empirique des décisions judiciaires, (Thematic Meeting of AFSE (Law & Economics) Juin 2011)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Building Legal Indexes to Explain Recovery Rates, (9th INFINITI Conference on International Finance Juin 2011)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Arbitrating between Renegotiation and Bankruptcy: The Case of French Banks Dealing with Distressed SMEs, (European Financial Management Association Juin 2011)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Arbitrating between Renegotiation and Bankruptcy: The Case of French Banks Dealing with Distressed SMEs, (Association Française de Finance Mai 2011)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Arbitrating between Renegotiation and Bankruptcy: The Case of French Banks Dealing with Distressed SMEs, (European Financial Management Association Avril 2011)
BLAZY R., UMBHAUER G., WEILL L. How Recovery Process Influences the Design of Debt Contracts?, (Midwest Finance Association Mars 2011)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Building Legal Indexes to Explain Recovery Rates, (11ème journée d'études sur les faillites Decembre 2011)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. Building Legal Indexes to Explain Recovery Rates, (Séminaire LIEN EconomiX Novembre 2011)
BLAZY R. Building Legal Indexes to Explain Recovery Rates, (Southern Finance Association Novembre 2011)
BLAZY R., PETEY J., WEILL L. Can Bankruptcy Codes Create Value? Evidence from Creditors' Recoveries in France, Germany, and the UK, (European Association of Law and Economics Septembre 2010)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N., PETEY J., WEILL L. De l'attractivité du droit français des affaires à la lecture des rapports Doing Business de la Banque mondiale, (Université d'été de l'Institut de Finance de Strasbourg (IFS) Septembre 2010)
BLAZY R., PETEY J., WEILL L. Can Bankruptcy Codes Create Value? Evidence from Creditors' Recoveries in France, Germany, and the UK, (Multinational Finance Society Juin 2010)
BLAZY R., PETEY J., WEILL L. Can Bankruptcy Codes Create Value? Evidence from Creditors' Recoveries in France, Germany, and the UK, (European Financial Management Association Juin 2010)
BLAZY R., PETEY J., WEILL L. Can Bankruptcy Codes Create Value? Evidence from Creditors' Recoveries in France, Germany, and the UK, (27ème Colloque GDRE Monnaie, Banque et Finance Juin 2010)
BLAZY R., PETEY J., WEILL L. Can Bankruptcy Codes Create Value? Evidence from Creditors' Recoveries in France, Germany, and the UK, (8ème journée d'études sur les faillites Juin 2010)
BLAZY R., PETEY J., WEILL L. Can Bankruptcy Codes Create Value? Evidence from Creditors' Recoveries in France, Germany, and the UK, (Financial Management Association Juin 2010)
PETEY J., BLAZY R., WEILL L. Can bankruptcy codes create value: Evidence from creditors' recoveries in France, Germany and the UK., (European Financial Management Association Juin 2010)
WEILL L., BLAZY R., PETEY J. Can Bankruptcy Codes Create Value? Evidence from Creditors' Recoveries in France, Germany and the UK, (Financial Management Association Juin 2010)
WEILL L., BLAZY R., PETEY J. Can Bankruptcy Codes Create Value? Evidence from Creditors' Recoveries in France, Germany and the UK, (Journées Internationales d'Economie Monétaire et Bancaire Juin 2010)
BLAZY R., UMBHAUER G., WEILL L. How Recovery Process Influences the Design of Debt Contracts?, (1st World Finance Conference (WFC) Mai 2010)
BLAZY R. Legal Approach of Corporate Governance: the French Case, (Association Française de Finance Mai 2010)
BLAZY R. Legal Approach of Corporate Governance: the French Case, (5ème colloque international de l'ISG Mars 2010)
BLAZY R. Coûts financier et social de la défaillance: une perspective européenne, (Workshop Association Française en Faveur de l'Institution Consulaire (AFFIC) Février 2010)
BLAZY R., PETEY J., WEILL L. Can Bankruptcy Codes Create Value? Evidence from Creditors' Recoveries in France, Germany, and the UK, (Southern Finance Association Novembre 2010)
BLAZY R. Legal Approach of Corporate Governance: the French Case, (International Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance (ISCEF) 2010)
BLAZY R., UMBHAUER G., WEILL L. How Recovery Process Influences the Design of Debt Contracts?, (European Association of Law and Economics Septembre 2009)
BLAZY R. Le sauvetage des entreprises en difficultés - un arbitrage entre efficacité sociale et efficacité financière, (Université d'été de l'Institut de Finance de Strasbourg (IFS) Septembre 2009)
BLAZY R. Legal Approach of Corporate Governance: the French Case, (1st Mediterranean Critical Studies in Accounting and Finance Conference Juillet 2009)
BLAZY R., UMBHAUER G., WEILL L. How Recovery Process Influences the Design of Debt Contracts?, (European Financial Management Association Juin 2009)
BLAZY R., UMBHAUER G., WEILL L. How Recovery Process Influences the Design of Debt Contracts?, (26ème Colloque GDRE Monnaie, Banque et Finance Juin 2009)
BLAZY R. Financial versus Social Efficiency of Corporate Bankruptcy Law: The French Dilemma, (Summer Conference of the International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE) Juin 2009)
BLAZY R., UMBHAUER G., WEILL L. How Recovery Process Influences the Design of Debt Contracts?, (Financial Management Association Juin 2009)
BLAZY R. Financial versus Social Efficiency of Corporate Bankruptcy Law: The French Dilemma, (Association Française de Finance Mai 2009)
BLAZY R. Financial versus Social Efficiency of Corporate Bankruptcy Law: The French Dilemma, (6ème journée d'études sur les faillites Mai 2009)
BLAZY R., UMBHAUER G., WEILL L. How Recovery Process Influences the Design of Debt Contracts?, (15th workshop GDRE "Monnaie-Banque-Finance", axe thématique "Intermédiation et systèmes financiers" Avril 2009)
BLAZY R., PETEY J., WEILL L. Can Bankruptcy Codes Create Value? Evidence from Creditors' Recoveries in France, Germany, and the UK, (4th French-German Talks in Law and Economics Decembre 2009)
BLAZY R., UMBHAUER G., WEILL L. How Recovery Process Influences the Design of Debt Contracts?, (Southern Finance Association Novembre 2009)
BLAZY R., UMBHAUER G., WEILL L. How Recovery Process Influences the Design of Debt Contracts?, (Financial Management Association Octobre 2009)
BLAZY R. Le jeu de la faillite, (Séminaire de MINES ParisTech (ENSMP) Octobre 2009)
BLAZY R. Financial versus Social Efficiency of Corporate Bankruptcy Law: The French Dilemma, (The 3rd Annual Conference on Empirical Legal Studies (CELS) Septembre 2008)
BLAZY R. Financial versus Social Efficiency of Corporate Bankruptcy Law: The French Dilemma, (Money, Macro and Finance Group Annual Conference Septembre 2008)
BLAZY R. Financial versus Social Efficiency of Corporate Bankruptcy Law: The French Dilemma, (25ème Colloque GDRE Monnaie, Banque et Finance Juin 2008)
BLAZY R. Financial versus Social Efficiency of Corporate Bankruptcy Law: The French Dilemma, (Financial Management Association Juin 2008)
BLAZY R. Legal Indexes on Corporate Bankruptcy: presentation of the PLAFILOI project (3 years program VIVRE2, FNR), (CREFI Workshop "Advances on Theory and Applied Finance" Avril 2008)
BLAZY R., NIGAM N. How Do the Courts Choose between Different Bankruptcy Outcomes? The Results of a French Survey, (Workshop on Financial and Insolvency Law (Harris Manchester College) Mars 2008)
BLAZY R., UMBHAUER G., WEILL L. How Recovery Process Influences the Design of Debt Contracts?, (Academic Conference on "Bankruptcy and Distress Resolution", Financial Law Institute of Ghent University Decembre 2008)
BLAZY R. Financial versus Social Efficiency of Corporate Bankruptcy Law: The French Dilemma, (Midwest Finance Association 2008)
BLAZY R. (2016). Supervisor, EURODEF research program (Final report, ANR Blanc, 44 months): SMEs' Bankruptcy Risk in Europe: a Law & Finance perspective (Project-ANR-12-BSH1-0013)
BLAZY R. (2002). Théories de la décision en environnement incertain et choix énergétiques (Rapport de recherche pour le CEA, sous la direction de B. Guillochon)
BLAZY R. (2000). Gouvernement d'entreprise par et dans le Droit des défaillances d'entreprises (Rapport de recherche pour le Commissariat Général du Plan, sous la direction de A. Bienvenu-Perrot)
BLAZY R. (1998). Le mandataire de Justice, un agent économique (présidence de commission et rapport de synthèse du 9ème séminaire de l'IFPPC)
BLAZY R., COMBIER J. (1995). Le crédit interentreprises : premier financement du commerce (INSEE Première n°360)
BLAZY R., COMBIER J. (1995). Le règlement amiable, mode d'emploi (Lettre de l'Observatoire consulaire des entreprises en difficultés, AFFIC)(n°4)
BLAZY R. (1994). La situation du commerce en 1993 (31ème rapport de la Commission des comptes commerciaux de la nation, novembre 1994)
BLAZY R., DELANNAY A., PETEY J., WEILL L. (2008). Une analyse comparative des procédures de faillite : France, Allemagne, Royaume-Uni. La Documentation Française, collection
BLAZY R. (2000). La faillite - éléments d'analyse économique (préface de Pierre MORIN). Economica, coll°.
BLAZY R., COMBIER J. (1998). Les défaillances d'entreprises. Presses Universitaires de France, coll° Que Sais-je?
BLAZY R., COMBIER J. (1997). La défaillance d'entreprise : causes économiques, traitement judiciaire et impact financier. Economica, INSEE Méthodes
Akademisches Engagement
Best-paper award, 10th infiniti conference on international finance, INFINITY (Trinity College, Dublin) (2012).
Interdisciplinary research prize guy ourisson, Cercle Gutenberg (2010).
European interdisciplinary research prize jean bastin, Jean Bastin Foundation, asbl, Belgium) (1997).
Direction de thèse, PhD, BLUM Marie, (Université de Strasbourg), (9/2017, /)
Direction de thèse, (avec Ugo RIGONI), PhD, MARIA-COCCO Ludovico, (Université de Strasbourg), (9/2019, /)