Les publications de l'EM Strasbourg
Les travaux de recherche menés par nos enseignants-chercheurs contribuent à la qualité des enseignements de l’école. Retrouvez ici, l’ensemble de leurs articles académiques.
478 publications
NGUYEN L., CONDUIT J., LU V., RAO HILL S. (2020). Collective Empowerment in Online Communities: Conceptualization, scale refinement and validation. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 28 (n° 3) [ABS cat.2, CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.4, HCERES cat.C]
JUNAID I., SIGALA M., BANCHIT A. (2020). Implementing community-based tourism (CBT): lessons learnt and implications by involving students in a CBT project in Laelae Island, Indonesia. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education
LE CORRE J. (2020). Teaching cases online: Pedagogy and technique to adapt quickly to an online higher education classroom. Case Research Journal, 40 (n° 4)
ZAYADIN ., ZUCCHELLA A., AMEEN ., DUCKWORTH C. (2020). Entrepreneurs contextualisation of culture a national setting. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research [ABS cat.3, CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.C]
YALENIOS J., GILBERT P. (2020). Pourquoi conserver un outil de gestion inapproprié ? Des fonctions implicites de l'évaluation individuelle de la performance. Revue Interdisciplinaire sur le Management, Homme & Entreprise (RIMHE), 4 (n° 21) [FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.C]
KWOK D., MESCHI P., BERTRAND O. (2020). In CEOs we trust: When religion matters in cross-border acquisitions. The case of a multifaith country. International Business Review [ABS cat.3, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A] Impact Factor. 4
KARPEN I., CONDUIT J. (2020). Engaging in times of COVID-19 and beyond: Theorizing customer engagement through different paradigmatic lenses. Journal of Service Management, 31 (n° 1) [CNRS cat.3, FNEGE cat.3, HCERES cat.B]
ZHANG H., HA Y. (2020). Algorithmic trading in limit order books for online portfolio selection. European Journal of Operational Research [CNRS cat.1, FNEGE cat.1, HCERES cat.A]
ZHANG H., XU S., DU . (2020). Can crude oil serve as a hedging asset for underlying securities? - Research on the heterogeneous correlation between crude oil and stock index. Energies, 13
GARCíA DE MADARIAGA MIRANDA J., RECUERO VIRTO N., BLASCO LóPEZ F. (2020). Scanning museumgoers' willingness to pay more. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 43
DAVILA-ARAGON G., RAMÍREZ-PÉREZ H., RIVAS-ACEVES S. (2020). Familiness as determinant of operational risk: a Bayesian analysis. Revista Espacios. Revista Espacios
DOSQUET F., BONNARDEL V., CHARLET N. (2020). « La marque politique : représentativité des valeurs et polarisation partisane perçues. Le cas de l'évaluation du logo « La République En Marche » par ses adhérents. Recherches en Sciences de Gestion (anciennement Revue Sciences de Gestion) [CNRS cat.4, HCERES cat.B]