Workshop on Banking and Society

  • Date

    9 Octobre 2023

  • Horaires


  • Lieu

    Sciences Po - Bâtiment le Cardo
    7 rue de l'écarlate
    67000 Strasbourg


This workshop is organized by LaRGE Research Center (University of Strasbourg), Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies (BOFIT), and Gabelli School of Business, Fordham University (New York). It will take place on October 9-10, 2023 in Strasbourg.

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Le programme

The workshop organizers invite researchers to submit empirical papers covering all areas of banking and their interaction with broader aspects of society – including politics, institutions etc. 


Monday 9th October

  • 8.30-09.00: Registration and Coffee
  • 09.0-10.30: Session 1 - CONFLICTS
    War, Collateral Damage, and Firm-Level Consequences
    Global Bank Lending during Political Conflicts: Evidence from the Agricultural Industry
  • 10.30-11.00: Coffee Break 
  • 11.00-12.00: KEYNOTE SPEECH
    Glossy Green Banks: The Disconnect Between Environmental Disclosures and Lending Activities
  • 12.00-13.00: Lunch
  • 13.00-14.30: Session 2 - RELATIONSHIP LENDING
    Passing the Parcel? Banking Relationships at the Onset of Financial Distress
    Conversations with Loan Officers: Covid and the Credit Market in the Early Stages of the Crisis
  • 14.30-15.00: Coffee Break
  • 15.00-16.30: Session 3 - GLOBALIZATION/ DEGLOBALIZATION
    Cultural Stereotypes of Multinational Banks
    Bank Lending and Firm Internal Capital Markets following a Deglobalization Shock

Tuesday 10th October

  • 8.30-09.00: Registration and Coffee
  • 09.0-10.30: Session 4 - MONETARY POLICY TRANSMISSION
    Deposit Market Concentration and Monetary Transmission: Evidence from the Euro Area
    Technological Innovation and the Bank Lending Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission
  • 10.30-11.00: Coffee Break
  • 11.00-12.30: Session 5 - HOUSEHOLD FINANCE AND CLIMATE
    Climate Shocks and Banking Sector Stability: Evidence from El Niño Southern Oscillation
    Student Loan Supply, Parental Saving & Portfolio Allocation
  • 12.30-13.30: Lunch
  • 13.30-15.00: Session 6 - FINANCE AND INEQUALITY
    Corporate Taxes and Economic Inequality: A Credit Channel
    The Unequal Distribution of Credit: Is There Any Role for Monetary Policy?


  • Zuzana Fungáčová (BOFIT)
  • Iftekhar Hasan (Fordham University)
  • Iikka Korhonen (BOFIT)
  • Paul Wachtel (New York University)
  • Laurent Weill (LaRGE Research Center, University of Strasbourg)


Sciences Po - Bâtiment le Cardo

7 rue de l'écarlate
67000 Strasbourg

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