Marie Pfiffelmann et Patrick Roger, enseignants-chercheurs à l’EM Strasbourg, ont assuré la coordination d’un numéro spécial "Behavioral Finance" pour la revue Bankers Markets & Investors, qui a été publié en avril dernier.
Ce numéro spécial propose trois articles de recherche sur la thématique de la finance comportementale. Marie Pfiffelmann et Patrick Roger ont collaboré à l’écriture de l’édito ainsi qu'à celle d'un article "Focus on" intitulé "A note on portfolio choice and behavioral finance: Some food for thought".
This special issue of Bankers, Markets & Investors, devoted to Behavioral Finance contains a diversified portfolio of papers in terms of topics, methods, and results.
The first paper co-authored by Jean-Francois Gajewski and Sima Ohadi is titled “How do anticipation and experience of regret affect financial decision-making? A lab experiment”. The second paper is written by Sana Charbti, Fabrice Hervé, and Evelyne Poincelot. The title is “Dividend Policy and Managerial Overconfidence: French Evidence”. Finally, the third contribution is “What do we learn about CEOs’ behaviour through neurofinance?”, written by Guillaume Baechler and Laurent Germain.