Make a Donation

EM Strasbourg Business School is characterized by a tradition of commitment and financial support for students. From alumni to companies to individuals, the whole school community can take part in this kind of support by making donations. 

Make a Donation - EM Strasbourg

The EM Strasbourg Community: A Major Ecosystem to Support Students


The EM Strasbourg community provides a foundation for the financial support of our students through donations. It is constantly working to enable students to continue their education in optimal conditions.

In difficult times, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, our community knows how to be present. An unprecedented wave of solidarity has emerged within EM Strasbourg and our partners have invested heavily in supporting the most vulnerable students and those affected by the health crisis. Companies, alumni, associations, and individuals all massively responded to our call during the emergency fundraising drive in April 2020 and their donations have made a real difference. 



You Can Also Make a Donation Personally or through Your Company to Support Our Students


Make a personal donation
Benefit from a 66% income tax reduction on up to 20% of your taxable income and a 75% wealth tax reduction up to €45,000.


Make a donation on behalf of my company 
Benefit from a 60% tax reduction on up to 0.5% of your company's turnover.



The Steps 


  1. Fill out the online donation form.
  2. Choose your method of payment:

By bank card: Simply follow the instructions on the website, a quick and easy process. 

By check: Please send your check to 

Fondation Université de Strasbourg

Service des Dons

8, allée Gaspard Monge - BP 70028

67 083 STRASBOURG Cedex

By wire transfer: Please send your transfer to the University of Strasbourg Foundation.

Please contact us so that a rib can be sent to you

A tax receipt will automatically be sent to you by e-mail or by mail depending on the payment method chosen.

Donate from abroad 



A Team That Can Support You and Answer Your Questions 


Do you need information or help regarding a donation you would like to make? Our team is at your disposal to answer your questions: 



Partnerships & Development Office



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