Publikationen der EM Strasbourg Business School

Die Forschungsarbeiten unserer Lehrenden mit Forschungsauftrag tragen zur Qualität des Unterrichts an der Hochschule bei. Hier finden Sie alle ihre wissenschaftlichen Artikel.

367 publications

DAMAND D., LAHRICHI Y., BARTH M. (2022). A simulation-optimization approach to parameterize Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning. IFAC, 55 (n° 10)

STEF N., SOULA J. (2022). Venture creation and COVID-19: Evidence from French regions during and after lockdowns. Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 4 (n° 21) [CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.2, HCERES cat.A]

EL KHOURY R., NASRALLAH N., TOUMI A. (2022). ESG and Performance in Public Healthcare Companies: The Role of Disclosure and Director Liability. Competitiveness Review, 33 (n° 1) [ABS cat.1]

SOULA J., HASAN I. (2022). Optimum technique de création de liquidité bancaire. Revue Économique, 73 (n° 3) [CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A]

HASSAN A., ALMETWALLY E., CHEHBI GAMOURA S., METWALL A. (2022). Inverse Exponentiated Lomax Power Series Distribution: Model, Estimation, and Application. journal of mathematics, 2022 (n° 23144629) Impact Factor. 1.4

TOUMI A., EL KHOURY R., HARB E., NASRALLAH N. (2022). Modelling COVID-19 effect on the performance of MENA Health-care sector. Journal of Modelling in Management, 18 (n° 4) [ABS cat.1]

SAUER P., SILVA M., SCHLEPER M. (2022). Supply chains' sustainability trajectories and resilience: a learning perspective in turbulent environments. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 42 (n° 8) [ABS cat.4, CNRS cat.2, FNEGE cat.1, HCERES cat.A]

DERROUICHE R. (2022). Supply Chain 4.0: Improving supply chains with analytics and Industry 4.0 technologies, Emel Aktas, Michael Bourlakis, Ioannis Minis, Vasileios Zeimpekis. Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle ?, 36 (n° 2) [CNRS cat.4, FNEGE cat.EM, HCERES cat.C]

KHAKAN N., DHIAF M., NASRALLAH N., ATAYAH O., MARASHDEH H. (2022). ). Role of ICT for Workers'Safety at the Workplace during Pandemics: Evidence from Global Data. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 12 (n° 4) [ABS cat.1]

DIESTE M., SAUER P., ORZES G. (2022). Organizational tensions in industry 4.0 implementation: A paradox theory approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 251 [ABS cat.3, CNRS cat.1, FNEGE cat.1, HCERES cat.A]

BROIHANNE M., ORKUT H. (2022). MiFID questionnaire answers and stock market participation. Revue Économique, 73 (n° 3) [CNRS cat.2, HCERES cat.A]

EL KHOURY R., NASRALLAH N., ATAYAH O., DHIAF M., FREDERICO G. (2022). Green Supply Chain Management Practices and Environmental Performance: The case of Discretionary companies in G20. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 30 (n° 6) [ABS cat.1]