Operational and Strategic Marketing Specialization

PGE specializations: for one full year, you develop your knowledge in the field of expertise of your choice.

La spécialisation en détails

In a Nutshell

  • Degree awarded

    Master's degree

  • Language


  • Format

    Full time

  • Duration

    1 year


This specialization covers fundamental topics such as consumer behavior and brand image while focusing on innovation management, digital marketing, and social networks. The link between strategic and operational marketing is a common thread in this program. The different courses covered will enable you to develop solid knowledge related to marketing professions.

Objectives of the Specialization

  • Acquire a sound understanding of the principles and state-of-art practices of marketing.
  • Gain the latest knowledge on market research, customer analysis, innovation and design, brand management, digital and social media marketing, and brand experience.

  Strengths of the Specialization

All courses taught in English by carefully selected professors of marketing, strategy, and management

A partnership with EM Strasbourg’s Customer Experience Corporate Chair 


Hard Skills

Designing and implementing marketing strategies

Designing and carrying out market research

Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting marketing data and indicators

Marketing indicator analysis

Understanding the digital world

Marketing project management

Creating brand content

Using tools and software (including data collection and analysis)

Soft Skills

Customer service

Critical analysis

Ability to solve complex problems

Emotional intelligence and adaptability


Leadership and social influence

Decision making (risk assessment and resource management)

Independence and time management

Creating reports and formulating recommendations

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EM Strasbourg Business School, 61 avenue de la forêt-noire
EM Strasbourg Business School, 61 avenue de la forêt-noire



Chargée de la promotion et du recrutement à l'international



Nathalie REDJEM

Chargée de la promotion et du recrutement national



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Entry requirement : Upon selection Degree awarded : Master's degree
Entry requirement : Upon selection Degree awarded : Master's degree